Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"klasie" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
class monitor
he is in third form
be top of the class
to be top of the class
There is a boy in the classroom
The boy is in the classroom
in class
[ɪn klɑ:s]
in the classroom
[ɪn ðə 'klɑ:srum]
Can you see these things in your classroom?
He can win the respect of his class
I'm studying for my astronomy class
The student is studying stars in an astronomy class.
Welcome to class 5B.
There are in class 6C .
Does anybody in the class have a very long name?
Does anybody in the class have the same name as another student?
study in class
['stʌdɪ ɪn klɑ:s]
There are ten students in THE classroom.
Do students ever eat lunch in the classroom?
in each class
[ɪn i:ʧ klɑ:s]
I don't like flying economy class because I don't have enough room.
She's reading in first class.
One of the men in economy class is sleeping.
THe girl is sleeping in first class.
We like flying in economy class because it's less expensive.
The men in economy class are talking to each other.
The passengers in first class are eating.
Are you in the first-year class or in the second-year class?
The passengers in economy class are eating.
Please read page fifty-four to the class.
[pli:z rɛd peɪʤ 'fɪftɪ fɔ:(r) tu ðə klɑ:s]
The men in first class are talking to each other.
Although the tickets have become expensive , I still fly in first class.
Except for Marek, everybody was in the classroom.
Everybody was in the classroom except Marek.
Everybody was in the classroom except for Marek.
Besides Marek, there was nobody in the classroom.
Apart from/aside from Mark, everybody was in the classroom.
Apart from/aside from Mark, there nobady in the classroom.
in a classroom
what class are you in??
how many children are there in your class??
in the first grade
to come top of your class
[tu kʌm tɔp ɔv jɔ:(r) klɑ:s]
I sent it first class.
[aɪ sɛnt ɪt fə:st klɑ:s]
Simon is the best at English in our class
['saɪmən ɪz ðə bɛst æt 'ɪŋglɪʃ ɪn 'auə(r) klɑ:s]
How many desks are in the classroom?
[hau 'mɛnɪ dɛsks ɑ:(r) ɪn ðə 'klɑ:srum]
in a classroom number 2
[ɪn ə 'klɑ:srum 'nʌmbə(r) 2]
Were there any creeps in that class?
[wə:(r) ðɛə(r) 'ɛnɪ kri:ps ɪn ðæt klɑ:s]
prime fish
[praɪm fɪʃ]
flight (in a business/economy class)
[flaɪt ɪn ə 'bɪznəs ɪ'kɔnəmɪ klɑ:s]
flight in business class
[flaɪt ɪn 'bɪznəs klɑ:s]
go to Italian classes
[gəu tu ɪ'tæljun 'klɑ:sɪz]
in this class
[ɪn ðɪs klɑ:s]
That man teaches very well. Everyone wants to be in his class
[ðæt mæn 'ti:ʧəz 'vɛrɪ wɛl 'ɛvrɪwʌn wɔnts tu bi: ɪn hɪz klɑ:s]
to be top / bottom of the class
[tu bi: tɔp 'bɔtəm ɔv ðə klɑ:s]
speak in class
[spi:k ɪn klɑ:s]
in year 8
[ɪn jɪə(r) 8]

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