Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
watch-she watches-ona patrzy |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
look at sb/sth [luk æt 'sʌmbədɪ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
to look [tu luk] |
to look at [tu luk æt] |
take long views | |
look upon [luk ə'pɔn] |
to look sb in the eye | |
talk down [tɔ:k daun] |
be all eyes | |
look on the bright side [luk ɔn ðə braɪt saɪd] |
see [si:] |
look [luk] |
look back [luk bæk] |
look down on [luk daun ɔn] |
to make sheep's eyes at sb | |
look at [luk æt] |
scowl at [skaul æt] |
see below [si: bɪ'ləu] |
we see eye to eye on this particular issue | |
look down | |
scowl at each other [skaul æt i:ʧ 'ʌðə(r)] |
to look on the bright side | |
Look at the questions. | |
glower ['glauə(r)] |
Look at the verb endings. [luk æt ðə və:b 'ɛndɪŋz] |
to look down on [tu luk daun ɔn] |
look back (on) [luk bæk ɔn] |
look down on [luk daun ɔn] |
looking down | |
looking at ['lukɪŋ æt] |
squint [skwɪnt] |
Look at the stoplight! | |
Look at the intersection! [luk æt ðə ɪntə'sɛkʃən] |
look at the question [luk æt ðə 'kwɛsʧən] |
look at the board [luk æt ðə bɔ:d] |
look more closely | |
is looking at stars with a telescope | |
is looking at cells with a microskope | |
I looked at... | |
look down on sb [luk daun ɔn 'sʌmbədɪ] |
lay eyes on sth [leɪ aɪz ɔn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
look ahed | |
turned to look | |
look at him from the water | |
Look, the water level is rising after a week of heavy rain | |
keep an eye out for sb/sth [ki:p ən aɪ aut fɔ:(r) 'sʌmbədɪ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
connive [kə'naɪv] |
glare at [glɛə(r) æt] |
look at the house | |
look down on sb [luk daun ɔn 'sʌmbədɪ] |
look ahead [luk ə'hɛd] |
look at | |
look on a bright side of life [luk ɔn ə braɪt saɪd ɔv laɪf] |
gazing ['geɪzɪŋ] |
glare angrily at sb [glɛə(r) 'æŋgrəlɪ æt 'sʌmbədɪ] |
she looked at me in amazement | |
admiring [æd'maɪrɪŋ] |
look out [luk aut] |
look the other way [luk ðə 'ʌðə(r) weɪ] |
look down your nose at [luk daun jɔ:(r) nəuz æt] |
look to the... [luk tu ðə] |
to look on the bright side [tu luk ɔn ðə braɪt saɪd] |
look up [luk ʌp] |
look at the bigger picture [luk æt ðə 'bɪgə(r) 'pɪkʧə(r)] |
to watch [tu wɔʧ] |
look closely , you may learn something [luk 'kləuslɪ ju: meɪ lə:n 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
look at [luk æt] |
I'm looking at myself in the mirror [I'm 'lukɪŋ æt maɪ'sɛlf ɪn ðə 'mɪrə(r)] |
look down on sb [luk daun ɔn 'sʌmbədɪ] |
Look at those pretty girls [luk æt ðəuz 'prɪtɪ gə:lz] |
look up [luk ʌp] |
to look in wonder [tu luk ɪn 'wʌndə(r)] |
to look at each other [tu luk æt i:ʧ 'ʌðə(r)] |
breathe down sb neck [bri:ð daun 'sʌmbədɪ nɛk] |
to look at sth under the microscope [tu luk æt 'sʌmθɪŋ 'ʌndə(r) ðə 'maɪkrəskəup] |
look at sth through rose-coloured spectacles [luk æt 'sʌmθɪŋ θru: rəuz 'kʌləd 'spɛktəkəlz] |
staring at ['stɛrɪŋ æt] |
look up to (someone) [luk ʌp tu 'sʌmwʌn] |
look [luk] |
look up [luk ʌp] |
gaze [geɪz] |
look at [luk æt] |
look back [luk bæk] |
look straight ahead [luk streɪt ə'hɛd] |
he looks at me as if to say [hi: luks æt mi: æz ɪf tu seɪ] |
look upon this [luk ə'pɔn ðɪs] |
Looking at the screen hurts your eyes ['lukɪŋ æt ðə skri:n hə:ts jɔ:(r) aɪz] |
Looking at the different teams, who do you predict will win the next ['lukɪŋ æt ðə 'dɪfərənt ti:mz hu: du: ju: prɪ'dɪkt wɪl wɪn ðə nɛkst] |
watch it fly away [wɔʧ ɪt flaɪ ə'weɪ] |
I was looking enviously at your plate. [aɪ wɔz 'lukɪŋ 'ɛnvɪəslɪ æt jɔ:(r) pleɪt] |
Look girls and boys [luk gə:lz ænd bɔɪz] |
look in the mirror [luk ɪn ðə 'mɪrə(r)] |
to ogle something/ one [tu 'əugl 'sʌmθɪŋ wʌn] |
Look at the TV [luk æt ðə 'ti:vi:] |
watch in awe [wɔʧ ɪn ɑ] |
Look, that's our cabin [luk that's 'auə(r) 'kæbɪn] |
to look down [tu luk daun] |
look at my bike [luk æt maɪ baɪk] |
to seek [tu si:k] |
scowl [skaul] |
look carefully [luk 'kɛəfəlɪ] |