Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"nowym" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
house-warming party
[haus 'wɔ:mɪŋ 'pɑ:tɪ]
cope with new situation
[kəup wɪð nju: sɪtju'eɪʃən]
Wall Street
to burst with new ideas
When I was twenty- five I was a firefighter in New York.
a new supplier
Our team just began working on a new project.
He's talking to his co-worker about their new project.
[hi:z 'tɔ:kɪŋ tu hɪz kəu 'wə:kə(r) ə'baut ðɛə(r) nju: 'prɔʤekt]
Our team just began working on a new project.
as the joyful a-ha at a new
Everyone celebrates Carnival in New Orleans.
Have you already seen a Carnival parade in New Orleans?
I won't be in New York.
The Statue of Liberty is in New York.
[ðə 'stætju: ɔv 'lɪbətɪ ɪz ɪn nju: jɔ:k]
how are you getting on in your new job?
[hau ɑ:(r) ju: 'gɛtɪŋ ɔn ɪn jɔ:(r) nju: ʤɔb]
take up a hobby/ a sport
[teɪk ʌp ə 'hɔbɪ ə spɔ:t]
She told me that she will work in New York.
[ʃi: təuld mi: ðæt ʃi: wɪl wə:k ɪn nju: jɔ:k]
I'm unfamiliar with the new system
[I'm nfə'mɪljə(r) wɪð ðə nju: 'sɪstəm]
to follow the latest trends in fashion.
[tu 'fɔləu ðə 'leɪtɪst trɛndz ɪn 'fæʃən]
the Empire State Building
[ðə 'ɛmpaɪə(r) steɪt 'bɪldɪŋ]
genetic engineering can give rise to new therapies
[ʤɪ'nɛtɪk 'ɛnʤɪnɪərɪŋ kæn gɪv raɪz tu nju: 'θɛrəpɪz]
be in the running for new contracts
[bi: ɪn ðə 'rʌnɪŋ fɔ:(r) nju: 'kɔntrækts]
We talked about new contract
[wi: tɔ:kt ə'baut nju: 'kɔntrækt]
take up a hobby
[teɪk ʌp ə 'hɔbɪ]
He lives in New York
[hi: lɪvz ɪn nju: jɔ:k]
she gets along (on) with her new -in laws
[ʃi: gɛts ə'lɔŋ ɔn wɪð hə:(r) nju: ɪn lɔ:z]
No, she isn't. She's driving her new car.
[nəu ʃi: isn't She's 'draɪvɪŋ hə:(r) nju: kɑ:(r)]
That put the thing in a new light
[ðæt put ðə θɪŋ ɪn ə nju: laɪt]
be the new one on the block
[bi: ðə nju: wʌn ɔn ðə blɔk]
find your feet
[faɪnd jɔ:(r) fi:t]
Is there a known deadline for sending a container with new model?
[ɪz ðɛə(r) ə nəun 'dɛdlaɪn fɔ:(r) 'sɛndɪŋ ə kən'teɪnə(r) wɪð nju: 'mɔdl]
In old New York
[ɪn əuld nju: jɔ:k]
Have you been in this new vegetarian place?
[hæv ju: bɪ:n ɪn ðɪs nju: vɛʤə'tɛrɪən pleɪs]
How many people are there in New York?
[hau 'mɛnɪ 'pi:pl ɑ:(r) ðɛə(r) ɪn nju: jɔ:k]
He works at a computer company in New York.
[hi: wə:ks æt ə kəm'pju:tə(r) 'kʌmpənɪ ɪn nju: jɔ:k]
in New York
[ɪn nju: jɔ:k]
It's my dad in New York in taxi
[ɪts maɪ dædz ɪn nju: jɔ:k ɪn 'tæksɪ]
She lives in New York.
[ʃi: lɪvz ɪn nju: jɔ:k]
It's my dad in New York, in the taxi.
[ɪts maɪ dæd ɪn nju: jɔ:k ɪn ðə 'tæksɪ]
I am working on a new idea.
[aɪ æm 'wə:kɪŋ ɔn ə nju: aɪ'dɪə]
Have you ever been to New York?
[hæv ju: 'ɛvə(r) bɪ:n tu nju: jɔ:k]
How about going for a spin in my new car?
[hau ə'baut 'gəuɪŋ fɔ:(r) ə spɪn ɪn maɪ nju: kɑ:(r)]
Call me up when you're in New York
[kɔ:l mi: ʌp wɛn jur ɪn nju: jɔ:k]
we pack our saved hours with new activities
[wi: pæk 'auə(r) seɪvd 'auərz wɪð nju: æk'tɪvɪtɪz]
If a new version of Windows is to be installed on a new server, we must ensure that its IP address is the same.
[ɪf ə nju: 'və:ʒən ɔv 'wɪndəz ɪz tu bi: ɪn'stɔ:ld ɔn ə nju: 'sə:və(r) wi: mʌst e'nʃur ðæt ɪts ɪp 'ædrɛs ɪz ðə seɪm]

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