Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"Many" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
Many Happy Returns!
Many thanks
['mɛnɪ θæŋks]
many times
['mɛnɪ taɪmz]
many a time
['mɛnɪ ə taɪm]
many happy returns (of the day)!
['mɛnɪ 'hæpɪ rɪ'tə:nz ɔv ðə deɪ]
Many people think
many more
['mɛnɪ mɔ:(r)]
Many if not all
Many young people dream about a career in advertis
many kinds of clothes
many other things
many / much - more - the most
Many women sacrifice their career for their family
['mɛnɪ 'wɪmɪn 'sækrɪfaɪs ðɛə(r) kə'rɪə(r) fɔ:(r) ðɛə(r) 'fæməlɪ]
Many families hauses were destroyed by the hurricane.
many virtues
Many people got on the bus.
many people
['mɛnɪ 'pi:pl]
many buildings collapsed in result of the earthquake
Many shops hold sales in January or August
['mɛnɪ ʃɔps həuld seɪlz ɪn 'ʤænjuɛrɪ ɔ:(r) 'ɔgɪst]
many-more-the most
many of us are programmed for failure
['mɛnɪ ɔv ʌs ɑ:(r) 'prəugræmd fɔ:(r) 'feɪljə(r)]
Many modern English words stem from Latin
['mɛnɪ 'mɔdən 'ɪŋglɪʃ wə:dz stɛm frɔm 'lætɪn]
Many factors contributed to this decision
['mɛnɪ 'fæktə(r)z kən'trɪbjutɪd tu ðɪs dɪ'sɪʒən]
['mɛnɪ 'saɪdəd]
Many people were going by it to Warsaw.
['mɛnɪ 'pi:pl wə:(r) 'gəuɪŋ baɪ ɪt tu 'wɔ:sɔ:]
Many researcher think that...
['mɛnɪ 'ri:sərʧə(r) θɪŋk ðæt]
many/much, more, the most
['mɛnɪ mʌʧ mɔ:(r) ðə məust]
many people believe that
['mɛnɪ 'pi:pl bɪ'li:v ðæt]
many of which
['mɛnɪ ɔv wɪʧ]
many of them
['mɛnɪ ɔv ðɛm]
many more
['mɛnɪ mɔ:(r)]
Many people might wish to stop smoking.
['mɛnɪ 'pi:pl maɪt wɪʃ tu stɔp 'sməukɪŋ]
Many countries have laws against bullying.
['mɛnɪ 'kʌntrɪz hæv lɔ:z ə'gɛnst 'bulɪɪŋ]
Many modern vehicles are
['mɛnɪ 'mɔdən 'vi:hɪkəlz ɑ:(r)]
many laws
['mɛnɪ lɔ:z]
Many vehicles...
['mɛnɪ 'vi:hɪkəlz]
Many sleep...
['mɛnɪ sli:p]
many more the most
['mɛnɪ mɔ:(r) ðə məust]
many of the special parts were missing
['mɛnɪ ɔv ðə 'spɛʃl pɑ:ts wə:(r) 'mɪsɪŋ]
many other commonly observed tend
['mɛnɪ 'ʌðə(r) 'kɔmənlɪ əb'zə:vd tɛnd]
Many people live in this city
['mɛnɪ 'pi:pl lɪv ɪn ðɪs 'sɪtɪ]
Many young men are interested in car racing
['mɛnɪ jʌŋ mɛn ɑ:(r) 'ɪntrɪstəd ɪn kɑ:(r) 'reɪsɪŋ]
many - more - the most
['mɛnɪ mɔ:(r) ðə məust]
many more things
['mɛnɪ mɔ:(r) θɪŋz]
many of you
['mɛnɪ ɔv ju:]
Many people lead a happy life and never complain
['mɛnɪ 'pi:pl lɛd ə 'hæpɪ laɪf ænd 'nɛvə(r) kəm'pleɪn]
Many Polish families own two or three cars
['mɛnɪ 'pɔlɪʃ 'fæməlɪz əun tju: ɔ:(r) θri: kɑ:z]
Many thanks for your help.
['mɛnɪ θæŋks fɔ:(r) jɔ:(r) hɛlp]
many children
['mɛnɪ 'ʧɪldrən]
Many people are required to work as
['mɛnɪ 'pi:pl ɑ:(r) rɪ'kwaɪəd tu wə:k æz]
Many students go on to university upon graduation
['mɛnɪ 'stu:dənts gəu ɔn tu ju:nɪ'və:sɪtɪ ə'pɔn grædju'eɪʃən]
Many suicides occur in prisons.
['mɛnɪ 'sju:ɪsaɪdz ə'kə: ɪn 'prɪzənz]
many neighbours
['mɛnɪ neighbours]
Many families set up their activities and lifestyles around a TV program schedule
['mɛnɪ 'fæməlɪz sɛt ʌp ðɛə(r) æk'tɪvɪtɪz ænd 'laɪfstaɪlz ər'aund ə 'ti:vi: 'prəugræm 'skɛʤul]
many have contributed to it
['mɛnɪ hæv kən'trɪbjutɪd tu ɪt]
many people frequent him
['mɛnɪ 'pi:pl 'fri:kwənt hɪm]
many of the old skills had become redundant
['mɛnɪ ɔv ðə əuld skɪlz hæd bɪ'kʌm rɪ'dʌndənt]
many applications in factories
['mɛnɪ æplə'keɪʃənz ɪn 'fæktərɪz]
many tragedies could be prevented
['mɛnɪ 'træʤədɪz kud bi: prɪ'vɛntɪd]
Many people say that
['mɛnɪ 'pi:pl seɪ ðæt]

"Many" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]

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