Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
which way [wɪʧ weɪ] |
which is the way to [wɪʧ ɪz ðə weɪ tu] |
What's the date ['wʌt es ðə deɪt] |
whom [hu:m] |
Which way should I go [wɪʧ weɪ ʃud aɪ gəu] |
activity designed to add value and improve an orga | |
that will have an impact on the achievement of obj | |
Which road do I take for... ? | |
whom [hu:m] |
which were created previously | |
someday ['sʌmdeɪ] |
which appeared in () on () | |
what date is it today? [wɔt deɪt ɪz ɪt tə'deɪ] |
who have been kidnapped a by a strange woman colled Mrs Coulter. | |
who include her best friend, Roger | |
which are easy to read [wɪʧ ɑ:(r) 'i:zɪ tu rɛd] |
What flowers will be best? | |
which benefits beings | |
Which radio station do you listen to? | |
which follows failed attempts | |
to be held up [tu bi: hɛld ʌp] |
Which dish do you want to take? [wɪʧ dɪʃ du: ju: wɔnt tu teɪk] |
that the king has at his disposal [ðæt ðə kɪŋ hæz æt hɪz dɪs'pəuzl] |
Which strawberries will I have? I think I'll have these ones here [wɪʧ 'strɔ:bɛrɪz wɪl aɪ hæv aɪ θɪŋk aɪl hæv ði:z wʌnz hɪr] |
Which shoes does she want [wɪʧ ʃu:z dʌz ʃi: wɔnt] |
Which wine is better? [wɪʧ waɪn ɪz 'bɛtə(r)] |
Which beer is good? [wɪʧ bɪə(r) ɪz gud] |
Which beer can you recommend? [wɪʧ bɪə(r) kæn ju: rɛkə'mɛnd] |
Which wine do you prefer: the sweet wine or the dry one [wɪʧ waɪn du: ju: prə'fə: ðə swi:t waɪn ɔ:(r) ðə draɪ wʌn] |
some day [sʌm deɪ] |
the other evening [ðə 'ʌðə(r) 'i:vnɪŋ] |
which chair is broken [wɪʧ ʧɛə(r) ɪz 'brəukn] |
Which countries would like to visit? [wɪʧ 'kʌntrɪz wud laɪk tu 'vɪzɪt] |
Which exercises should I do at home? [wɪʧ 'ɛksərsaɪzəz ʃud aɪ du: æt həum] |
A dream that I can call my own [ə dri:m ðæt aɪ kæn kɔ:l maɪ əun] |
A thrill that I have never known [ə θrɪl ðæt aɪ hæv 'nɛvə(r) nəun] |
which of the above [wɪʧ ɔv ðə ə'bʌv] |
Which gate for flight number...? [wɪʧ geɪt fɔ:(r) flaɪt 'nʌmbə(r)] |
who use to live [hu: ju:s tu lɪv] |
that [ðæt] |
which was published [wɪʧ wɔz 'pʌblɪʃt] |
Which wine is better? [wɪʧ waɪn ɪz 'bɛtə(r)] |
Which beer is good? [wɪʧ bɪə(r) ɪz gud] |
Which beer can you recommend? [wɪʧ bɪə(r) kæn ju: rɛkə'mɛnd] |
Which souvenirs did you buy? [wɪʧ su:və'nɪrz dɪd ju: baɪ] |
Which animal is fast? [wɪʧ 'ænɪməl ɪz fɑ:st] |
How letter is missing? [hau 'lɛtə(r) ɪz 'mɪsɪŋ] |
How month is missing? [hau mʌnθ ɪz 'mɪsɪŋ] |
Which do you choose? [wɪʧ du: ju: ʧu:z] |
which was advertised in yesterday's Evening Standard [wɪʧ wɔz 'ædvətaɪzd ɪn yesterday's 'i:vnɪŋ 'stændərd] |
which last for some time [wɪʧ lɑ:st fɔ:(r) sʌm taɪm] |
Which chair do you want? [wɪʧ ʧɛə(r) du: ju: wɔnt] |
Which makes mi slower [wɪʧ meɪks mi: 'sləuə(r)] |
I want to try parachuting one day [aɪ wɔnt tu traɪ 'pɛrɪʃu:tɪŋ wʌn deɪ] |
Which way to the entrance [wɪʧ weɪ tu ðə 'ɛntrəns] |
Which regional food is the best for you? [wɪʧ 'ri:ʤənl fu:d ɪz ðə bɛst fɔ:(r) ju:] |
which she names after animals [wɪʧ ʃi: neɪmz 'ɑ:ftə(r) 'ænəməlz] |
whose [hu:z] |
whose [hu:z] |
which sports do you associate with Britain [wɪʧ spɔ:ts du: ju: ə'səusɪɪt wɪð 'brɪtən] |