Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"WHICH" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
which way
[wɪʧ weɪ]
Which company do you work for
[wɪʧ 'kʌmpənɪ du: ju: wə:k fɔ:(r)]
Which one
[wɪʧ wʌn]
which is the way to
[wɪʧ ɪz ðə weɪ tu]
Which way should we go
which gate does it leave from?
[wɪʧ geɪt dʌz ɪt li:v frɔm]
which was released
which belonged to
which reflects
Which direction should I take?
[wɪʧ dər'ɛkʃən ʃud aɪ teɪk]
Which way should I go
[wɪʧ weɪ ʃud aɪ gəu]
Which skirt do you like better
[wɪʧ skə:t du: ju: laɪk 'bɛtə(r)]
Which coat is yours
Which day of the week were you born on
Which anniversary did you celebrate this year?
[wɪʧ ænɪ'və:sərɪ dɪd ju: 'sɛləbreɪt ðɪs jɪə(r)]
Which platform does the train leave
[wɪʧ 'plætfɔ:rm dʌz ðə treɪn li:v]
which doesn't change the fact that
[wɪʧ 'dʌzənt ʧeɪnʤ ðə fækt ðæt]
which shop do you like to go?
Which platform?
Which road do I take for... ?
which were created previously
Which is the best hotel?
Which letter is after W?
[wɪʧ 'lɛtə(r) ɪz 'ɑ:ftə(r) 'dʌbəlju]
Which company are you calling from?
which meant
which season do you like best?
Which day is after Friday?
[wɪʧ deɪ ɪz 'ɑ:ftə(r) 'fraɪdɪ]
which table
which places?
Which platform does the train to...leave from?
Which line should I take for...?
Which stop is it for...?
which appeared in () on ()
which one do you want
[wɪʧ wʌn du: ju: wɔnt]
Which platform does the train leave?
[wɪʧ 'plætfɔ:rm dʌz ðə treɪn li:v]
Which part of your head is affected?
Which bus goes to the railway station
which are easy to read
[wɪʧ ɑ:(r) 'i:zɪ tu rɛd]
Which bus goes to the airport?
Which one is better?
[wɪʧ wʌn ɪz 'bɛtə(r)]
Which hotel did you live in?
[wɪʧ hə'tɛl dɪd ju: lɪv ɪn]
Which bracelet is better?
[wɪʧ 'breɪslɪt ɪz 'bɛtə(r)]
Which countries applied and were accepted?
[wɪʧ 'kʌntrɪz əp'laɪd ænd wə:(r) æk'sɛptɪd]
which benefits beings
Which radio station do you listen to?
which follows failed attempts
which is bit odd
[wɪʧ ɪz bɪt ɔd]
Which cities are close to the frontier
[wɪʧ 'sɪtɪz ɑ:(r) kləus tu ðə 'frʌntɪə(r)]
Which pen did you want to buy?
[wɪʧ pɛn dɪd ju: wɔnt tu beɪ]
Which dish do you want to take?
[wɪʧ dɪʃ du: ju: wɔnt tu teɪk]
which title would you choose?
[wɪʧ 'taɪtl wud ju: ʧu:z]
Which cinema is it at?
[wɪʧ 'sɪnəmə ɪz ɪt æt]
which terminal for flights to ... ?
[wɪʧ 'tə:mɪnl fɔ:(r) flaɪts tu]
which divisions do they work in
[wɪʧ dɪ'vɪʒənz du: ðeɪ wə:k ɪn]
Which pair would you rather buy
[wɪʧ pɛə(r) wud ju: 'ræðə(r) baɪ]
which is why
[wɪʧ ɪz waɪ]
which heralds
[wɪʧ 'hɛrəldz]
which jumper do you prefer
[wɪʧ 'ʤʌmpə(r) du: ju: prə'fə:]
Which one do you prefer
[wɪʧ wʌn du: ju: prə'fə:]
Which strawberries will I have? I think I'll have these ones here
[wɪʧ 'strɔ:bɛrɪz wɪl aɪ hæv aɪ θɪŋk aɪl hæv ði:z wʌnz hɪr]
Which shoes does she want
[wɪʧ ʃu:z dʌz ʃi: wɔnt]
Which restaurant do you prefer
[wɪʧ 'rɛstərɑnt du: ju: prə'fə:]
Which wine is better?
[wɪʧ waɪn ɪz 'bɛtə(r)]
Which beer is good?
[wɪʧ bɪə(r) ɪz gud]
Which beer can you recommend?
[wɪʧ bɪə(r) kæn ju: rɛkə'mɛnd]
Which platform does the train leave from?
[wɪʧ 'plætfɔ:rm dʌz ðə treɪn li:v frɔm]
Which company are you from?
[wɪʧ 'kʌmpənɪ ɑ:(r) ju: frɔm]
which way is
[wɪʧ weɪ ɪz]
Which wine do you prefer: the sweet wine or the dry one
[wɪʧ waɪn du: ju: prə'fə: ðə swi:t waɪn ɔ:(r) ðə draɪ wʌn]
Which is cheaper
[wɪʧ ɪz 'ʧi:pə(r)]
which platform is it
[wɪʧ 'plætfɔ:rm ɪz ɪt]
Which station will he have to change at?
[wɪʧ 'steɪʃən wɪl hi: hæv tu ʧeɪnʤ æt]
which overlooks
[wɪʧ 'əuvərluks]
Which is the right answer?
[wɪʧ ɪz ðə raɪt 'ɑ:nsə(r)]
which is more difficult?
[wɪʧ ɪz mɔ:(r) 'dɪfɪkəlt]
which street do you live in?
[wɪʧ stri:t du: ju: lɪv ɪn]
Which car did you finally choose
[wɪʧ kɑ:(r) dɪd ju: 'faɪnəlɪ ʧu:z]
Which cat is yours
[wɪʧ kæt ɪz jurz]
which chair is broken
[wɪʧ ʧɛə(r) ɪz 'brəukn]
Which countries would like to visit?
[wɪʧ 'kʌntrɪz wud laɪk tu 'vɪzɪt]
Which exercises should I do at home?
[wɪʧ 'ɛksərsaɪzəz ʃud aɪ du: æt həum]
which issued it
[wɪʧ 'ɪʃud ɪt]
which of the above
[wɪʧ ɔv ðə ə'bʌv]
which dress are you going to buy
[wɪʧ drɛs ɑ:(r) ju: 'gəuɪŋ tu baɪ]
which one would you like
[wɪʧ wʌn wud ju: laɪk]
Which... is yours?
[wɪʧ ɪz jurz]
Which gate for flight number...?
[wɪʧ geɪt fɔ:(r) flaɪt 'nʌmbə(r)]
Which day you would like to come?
[wɪʧ deɪ ju: wud laɪk tu kʌm]
which job would you like to apply?
[wɪʧ ʤɔb wud ju: laɪk tu ə'plaɪ]
Which juice?
[wɪʧ ʤu:s]
which side of the mouth is the pain at
[wɪʧ saɪd ɔv ðə mauθ ɪz ðə peɪn æt]
Which foot does he kick a ball with?
[wɪʧ fut dʌz hi: kɪk ə bɔ:l wɪð]
which do you prefer
[wɪʧ du: ju: prə'fə:]
which then route in through a ground station
[wɪʧ ðɛn ru:t ɪn θru: ə graund 'steɪʃən]
which way shall I do it?
[wɪʧ weɪ ʃæl aɪ du: ɪt]

"WHICH" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
They can't 'fit it in'
vocational work

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