Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"pisze" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
I am writing to tell you that...
I am writting to enquire about
I am writting to complain about
i am writing to complain abt
I am writing in response to your advertisement
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ ɪn rɪs'pɔns tu jɔ:(r) əd'və:tɪzmənt]
I am writing to complaine about
I'm texting a friend
[aɪm texting ə frɛnd]
I am writing to express my disagreement with...
i am writting with regard to your advertisement
I m writing...
I'm writing about the position of a ski instructor
I'm writing to tell you...
The reason I'm writing is...
I am writing in connection with
I'm writing to let you know that
[aɪm 'raɪtɪŋ tu lɛt ju: nəu ðæt]
Just short note to let you know...
We are writing to inform you that...
I am writing with regard to your advertisement
I am writing to enquire about
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ɪn'kwaɪə(r) ə'baut]
I am writing to complain about
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu kəm'pleɪn ə'baut]
I am writing to apply for the job
I'm writing an e-mail to my mother.
I am writing to you about
I'm writi to tell you
I am writing this letter to ask you some information about
I am writing with regard to the advertisement which appeared in... on...
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ wɪð rɪ'gɑ:d tu ðə əd'və:tɪzmənt wɪʧ ə'pɪrd ɪn ɔn]
I am writing in response to/ with regard to your advertisement which appeared in... on...
I am writing to complain about
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu kəm'pleɪn ə'baut]
I'm writing with reference
[aɪm 'raɪtɪŋ wɪð 'rɛfərəns]
I am writing to apply for the position
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ə'plaɪ fɔ:(r) ðə pə'zɪʃən]
I'm writing my history project
[I'm 'raɪtɪŋ maɪ 'hɪstərɪ 'prɔʤekt]
i'm writing in response to the advertisement on the
[i'm 'raɪtɪŋ ɪn rɪs'pɔns tu ðə əd'və:tɪzmənt ɔn ðə]
I am writing to
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu]
I am writing on behalf of...
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ ɔn bɪ'hæf ɔv]
I am writing to complain about a recent stay at your hotel
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu kəm'pleɪn ə'baut ə 'ri:snt steɪ æt jɔ:(r) hə'tɛl]
this is to let you know
[ðɪs ɪz tu lɛt ju: nəu]
I am writing in response to your advertisement which appeared in... on...
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ ɪn rɪs'pɔns tu jɔ:(r) əd'və:tɪzmənt wɪʧ ə'pɪrd ɪn ɔn]
I am writing to apply for a place in one of the courses at your university
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ə'plaɪ fɔ:(r) ə pleɪs ɪn wʌn ɔv ðə 'kɔ:sɪz æt jɔ:(r) ju:nɪ'və:sɪtɪ]
I am writing to express my opinion about your article which appeared in...
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ɪk'sprɛs maɪ ə'pɪnjən ə'baut jɔ:(r) 'ɑ:təkl wɪʧ ə'pɪrd ɪn]
I'm writing to you regarding your advertisement for ....
[I'm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ju: rɪ'gɑ:dɪŋ jɔ:(r) əd'və:tɪzmənt fɔ:(r)]
I'm typing an email.
[I'm 'taɪpɪŋ ən ɪ'meɪl]
I'm writing
[I'm 'raɪtɪŋ]
I'm (just) writing to clarify that ...
[aɪm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu 'klærɪfaɪ ðæt]
I'm (just) writing to confirm ...
[I'm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu kən'fə:m]
I'm (just) writing to inform you that ...
[I'm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu ɪn'fɔ:m ju: ðæt]
I'm (just) writing to follow up on ...
[I'm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu 'fɔləu ʌp ɔn]
I'm (just) writing to let you know that ...
[aɪm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu lɛt ju: nəu ðæt]
I'm (just) writing to reply to ...
[I'm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu rɪp'laɪ tu]
I'm (just) writing to request ...
[I'm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu rɪk'wɛst]
I'm (just) writing to tell you ...
[I'm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu tɛl ju:]
I'm (just) writing to thank you ...
[I'm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu θæŋk ju:]
I'm (just) writing to update you ...
[I'm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu ʌp'deɪt ju:]
I'm writing to enquire about!
[aɪm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ɪn'kwaɪə(r) ə'baut]
I am writing in response in reply with regard to
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ ɪn rɪs'pɔns ɪn rɪp'laɪ wɪð rɪ'gɑ:d tu]
I am writing in connection with
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ ɪn kə'nɛkʃən wɪð]
I'm writing this postcard while .. (waiting for the bus to come/having coffee at a seaside cafe).
[I'm 'raɪtɪŋ ðɪs 'pəustkɑrd waɪl 'weɪtɪŋ fɔ:(r) ðə bʌs tu kʌm 'hævɪŋ 'kɔfɪ æt ə 'si:saɪd kə'fe]
i am writing to apply for the position of ... advertised in yesterday's 'evening post'
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ə'plaɪ fɔ:(r) ðə pə'zɪʃən ɔv 'ædvətaɪzd ɪn yesterday's 'evening post']
I am writing to draw your attention to .. which ...
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu drɔ: jɔ:(r) ə'tɛnʃən tu wɪʧ]
I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction at the ...
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ɪk'sprɛs maɪ strɔŋ dɪssætɪs'fækʃən æt ðə]
I am writing to complain about the quality of ... I recently purchased from you.
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu kəm'pleɪn ə'baut ðə 'kwɔlɪtɪ ɔv aɪ 'ri:sɪntlɪ 'pə:ʧɪst frɔm ju:]
I'm writing to thank you for
[I'm 'raɪtɪŋ tu θæŋk ju: fɔ:(r)]
I'm writing in response to....
[I'm 'raɪtɪŋ ɪn rɪs'pɔns tu]
I'm writing to complain about...
[I'm 'raɪtɪŋ tu kəm'pleɪn ə'baut]
I am writing to complain about the shoes which I bought from you on July 15th.
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu kəm'pleɪn ə'baut ðə ʃu:z wɪʧ aɪ bɔt frɔm ju: ɔn ʤu:'laɪ 15th]
I am writing with regard to your advertisement which I saw in ...
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ wɪð rɪ'gɑ:d tu jɔ:(r) əd'və:tɪzmənt wɪʧ aɪ sɔ: ɪn]
I am writing to apply for the position, job, post I found advertised in ...
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ə'plaɪ fɔ:(r) ðə pə'zɪʃən ʤɔb pəust aɪ faund 'ædvətaɪzd ɪn]
I am writing in response to (my stay/a course)
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ ɪn rɪs'pɔns tu maɪ steɪ ə kɔ:s]
I am writing with regard to your letter
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ wɪð rɪ'gɑ:d tu jɔ:(r) 'lɛtə(r)]
I am writing to provide you with indispensable details
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu prə'vaɪd ju: wɪð ɪndɪs'pɛnsɪbl dɪ'teɪlz]
I am writing to let you know
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu lɛt ju: nəu]
I am writing to ask if
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu æsk ɪf]
I am just writing to tell you my news.
[aɪ æm ʤʌst 'raɪtɪŋ tu tɛl ju: maɪ nju:z]
I am writing with regard to
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ wɪð rɪ'gɑ:d tu]
I'm writing to find out more information about
[I'm 'raɪtɪŋ tu faɪnd aut mɔ:(r) ɪnfər'meɪʃən ə'baut]
I am writing to enquire whether you would be able to extend credit terms of 60 days
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ɪn'kwaɪə(r) 'wɛðə(r) ju: wud bi: 'eɪbl tu ɪk'stɛnd 'krɛdɪt tə:mz ɔv 60 deɪz]
I am writing to enquire whether you would be prepared to extend credit terms of 60 days
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ɪn'kwaɪə(r) 'wɛðə(r) ju: wud bi: prɪ'pɛrd tu ɪk'stɛnd 'krɛdɪt tə:mz ɔv 60 deɪz]
I am writing to ask for information about
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu æsk fɔ:(r) ɪnfər'meɪʃən ə'baut]
I'm writing to thank you very much for the invitation to ...
[aɪm 'raɪtɪŋ tu θæŋk ju: 'vɛrɪ mʌʧ fɔ:(r) ðə ɪnvɪ'teɪʃən tu]
I am writing to apply for the position of ....
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ə'plaɪ fɔ:(r) ðə pə'zɪʃən ɔv]
I write a diary.
[aɪ raɪt ə 'daɪərɪ]
I'm writing to ask you for help
[aɪm 'raɪtɪŋ tu æsk ju: fɔ:(r) hɛlp]
I writing to tell you about..
[aɪ 'raɪtɪŋ tu tɛl ju:]
Just a quick email to tell you
[ʤʌst ə kwɪk ɪ'meɪl tu tɛl ju:]
just a quick email to tell you
[ʤʌst ə kwɪk ɪ'meɪl tu tɛl ju:]
I am writing to thank you for...
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu θæŋk ju: fɔ:(r)]
I am writing to you inform you that I thank you for your time anyway.
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ju: ɪn'fɔ:m ju: ðæt aɪ θæŋk ju: fɔ:(r) jɔ:(r) taɪm 'ɛnɪweɪ]
I'm writing to you regarding our last calling.
[aɪm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ju: rɪ'gɑ:dɪŋ 'auə(r) lɑ:st 'kɔ:lɪŋ]
I am writing to tell you...?
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu tɛl ju:]
Just a quick email to tell you..
[ʤʌst ə kwɪk ɪ'meɪl tu tɛl ju:]
I am writing to thank you for...
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu θæŋk ju: fɔ:(r)]
I'm writing to tell you that
[aɪm 'raɪtɪŋ tu tɛl ju: ðæt]
I'm writing to tell you
[aɪm 'raɪtɪŋ tu tɛl ju:]
I am writing to thank you for
[aɪ æm 'raɪtɪŋ tu θæŋk ju: fɔ:(r)]
I'm typing an email.
[aɪm 'taɪpɪŋ ən ɪ'meɪl]
I'm texting.
[aɪm texting]
I'm writing to you because I...
[aɪm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ju: bɪ'kɔ:z aɪ]
She is making headlines at the moment because she...
[ʃi: ɪz 'meɪkɪŋ 'hɛdlaɪnz æt ðə 'məumənt bɪ'kɔ:z ʃi:]

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