Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"Wszystko" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
all right
[ɔ:l raɪt]
so far so good
[səu fɑ: səu gud]
every cloud has a silver lining
['ɛvrɪ klaud hæz ə 'sɪlvə(r) 'laɪnɪŋ]
could not care less
[kud nɔt kɛə(r) lɛs]
couldnt care less
all is going well
[ɔ:l ɪz 'gəuɪŋ wɛl]
couldn't care less
['kudənt kɛə(r) lɛs]
the lot
[ðə lɔt]
I would give my eye tooth for that
all in due time
it is all part
I ache all over
Are you well?
everything under one roof
all in one remedies
alls well that ends well
[ɔ:lz wɛl ðæt ɛndz wɛl]
All's well that ends well
[ɔ:lz wɛl ðæt ɛndz wɛl]
anything can happen
['ɛnɪθɪŋ kæn 'hæpən]
are you all right
[ɑ:(r) ju: ɔ:l raɪt]
it's all the same to me
All good things come to an end
you name it
I have got it all down
there is a lot of it about
[ðɛə(r) ɪz ə lɔt ɔv ɪt ə'baut]
All right. Let's go.
All You Need Is The Will To Wart It
everythings turns green
Well, it's all over now.
All good things must come to an end.
All's well that ends well.
nothing got out of hand
it all happend
all in one
all the same to
they're sold out
everything half price
Everything went according to plan
['ɛvrɪθɪŋ wɛnt ə'kɔ:dɪŋ tu plæn]
all will be gone
[ɔ:l wɪl bi: gɔn]
All`s well that ends well
all together
everything's going well
['ɛvrɪθɪŋz 'gəuɪŋ wɛl]
all but
[ɔ:l bʌt]
everything ....
don`t mind
Everything in his eyes appeared so old
['ɛvrɪθɪŋ ɪn hɪz aɪz ə'pɪrd səu əuld]
Everything that happened before
all in one go
[ɔ:l ɪn wʌn gəu]
All I saw was a bit of fence
[ɔ:l aɪ sɔ: wɔz ə bɪt ɔv fɛns]
We ran out of everything.
[wi: ræn aut ɔv 'ɛvrɪθɪŋ]
anything that
['ɛnɪθɪŋ ðæt]
All's well that ends well
all that remained was to fix the date of the wedding
Everything was really delicious.
that's all right. Don't worry about it
It's all the same to me.
thngs went awry
things went awry
[θɪŋz wɛnt ər'aɪ]
[ɔ:l ɪn'klu:sɪv]
all-encompassing consciousness
[ɔ:l ɪn'kʌmpɪsɪŋ 'kɔnʃəsnəs]
everything is mind's free play
all at once
[ɔ:l æt wʌns]
all or nothing
[ɔ:l ɔ:(r) 'nʌθɪŋ]
the odds are against sth happening
[ðə ɔdz ɑ:(r) ə'gɛnst 'sʌmθɪŋ 'hæpənɪŋ]
there's every indication (to suggest) that sth will happen
[there's 'ɛvrɪ ɪndə'keɪʃən tu sə'ʤɛst ðæt 'sʌmθɪŋ wɪl 'hæpən]
there's every likelihood of sth happening
[ðɛrz 'ɛvrɪ 'laɪklɪhud ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ 'hæpənɪŋ]
go from strength to strength
[gəu frɔm strɛŋkθ tu strɛŋkθ]
due in no small part to sth
[dju: ɪn nəu smɔ:l pɑ:t tu 'sʌmθɪŋ]
It all comes down to money
[ɪt ɔ:l kʌmz daun tu 'mʌnɪ]
all you have to do
[ɔ:l ju: hæv tu du:]
double or quits
['dʌbl ɔ:(r) kwɪts]
everything else
['ɛvrɪθɪŋ ɛls]
all else
[ɔ:l ɛls]
anything is possible; Anything is possible, when you really want it.
['ɛnɪθɪŋ ɪz 'pɔsɪbl 'ɛnɪθɪŋ ɪz 'pɔsɪbl wɛn ju: 'rɪlɪ wɔnt ɪt]
All's well that ends well
[All's wɛl ðæt ɛndz wɛl]
I don't care
[aɪ don't kɛə(r)]
All she saw was a silhouette of a gun
[ɔ:l ʃi: sɔ: wɔz ə sɪlə'wɛt ɔv ə gʌn]
everything is preceded by hours of preparation
['ɛvrɪθɪŋ ɪz prɪ'si:dɪd baɪ 'auərz ɔv prɛpə'reɪʃən]
all we have to do is wait
[ɔ:l wi: hæv tu du: ɪz weɪt]
all-in packages
[ɔ:l ɪn 'pækəʤəz]
all boils down to..
[ɔ:l bɔɪlz daun tu]
Everything was recorded on my Dictaphone.
['ɛvrɪθɪŋ wɔz rɪ'kɔ:dəd ɔn maɪ 'dɪktəfəun]
all lower/uppercase
[ɔ:l 'ləuə(r) uppercase]
all said and done
[ɔ:l sɛd ænd dʌn]
all went wrong
[ɔ:l wɛnt rɔŋ]
Everything happens in life for a reason.
['ɛvrɪθɪŋ 'hæpənz ɪn laɪf fɔ:(r) ə 'ri:zn]
all set
[ɔ:l sɛt]
everything is all right
['ɛvrɪθɪŋ ɪz ɔ:l raɪt]
Everything went off without a hitch
['ɛvrɪθɪŋ wɛnt ɔf wɪ'θaut ə hɪʧ]
all done
[ɔ:l dʌn]
anything is possible
['ɛnɪθɪŋ ɪz 'pɔsɪbl]
are you all right?
[ɑ:(r) ju: ɔ:l raɪt]
I don't mind
[aɪ don't maɪnd]

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