Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
during ['djuərɪŋ] |
whereas [wɛəræz] |
while [waɪl] |
whilst [waɪlst] |
during my holidays ['durɪŋ maɪ 'hɔlədeɪz] |
cuo bearer | |
while I would agree to a certain extend/degree | |
while there are many things I would agree on | |
during ['durɪŋ] |
durning ['də:nɪŋ] |
while [waɪl] |
during ['djuərɪŋ] |
while [waɪl] |
whileI was working in the garden , my husband was | |
during ['djuərɪŋ] |
while [waɪl] |
while i was travelling by car i visiting | |
during the reign | |
While i was driving home from work , I collided with another car. | |
While I was riding home from school, I collided with a tree. | |
While I was working | |
whereas [wɛəræz] |
during ['djuərɪŋ] |
while [waɪl] |
During a stay in a hotel ['durɪŋ ə steɪ ɪn ə hə'tɛl] |
during shutdown | |
during the free fall before the parachute opens ['durɪŋ ðə fri: fɔ:l bɪ'fɔ:(r) ðə 'pɛrɪʃu:t 'əupənz] |
While I was swimming someone stole my watch. | |
whereas once [we'ræz wʌns] |
while [waɪl] |
whilst ( V + ing) [waɪlst vi: ɪŋ] |
During my travels across the world I discovered ... ['durɪŋ maɪ 'trævəlz ək'rɔs ðə wə:ld aɪ dɪs'kʌvərd] |
while they admire [waɪl ðeɪ æd'maɪə(r)] |
while [waɪl] |
While Daniel was playing basketball he fell and broke his leg [waɪl 'dænjul wɔz 'pleɪɪŋ 'bæskətbɔ:l hi: fɛl ænd brəuk hɪz lɛg] |
while [waɪl] |
As I was walking through the park the birds were singing [æz aɪ wɔz 'wɔ:kɪŋ θru: ðə pɑ:k ðə bə:dz wə:(r) 'sɪŋɪŋ] |
During fermentation the yeast float on or just below the surface of the beer ['durɪŋ fə:mən'teɪʃən ðə ji:st fləut ɔn ɔ:(r) ʤʌst bɪ'ləu ðə 'sə:fɪs ɔv ðə bɪə(r)] |
whereas = while [we'ræz = waɪl] |
whilst [waɪlst] |
while [waɪl] |
during a flight ['durɪŋ ə flaɪt] |
during snowstorms ['durɪŋ 'snəustɔ:rmz] |
while [waɪl] |
for during the holidays [fɔ:(r) 'durɪŋ ðə 'hɔlədeɪz] |
while you cut [waɪl ju: kʌt] |
During the which team do you support? ['durɪŋ ðə wɪʧ ti:m du: ju: sə'pɔ:t] |
While I was having an English lesson they were playing outside. [waɪl aɪ wɔz 'hævɪŋ ən 'ɪŋglɪʃ 'lɛsn ðeɪ wə:(r) 'pleɪɪŋ aut'saɪd] |
while you were growing up [waɪl ju: wə:(r) 'grəuɪŋ ʌp] |
during holidays ['durɪŋ 'hɔlədeɪz] |
during this engagement ['durɪŋ ðɪs en'geɪʤmənt] |
while [waɪl] |
by day/night [baɪ deɪ naɪt] |
whilst there [waɪlst ðɛə(r)] |
when travelling on a budget [wɛn 'trævəlɪŋ ɔn ə 'bʌʤɪt] |
when talking [wɛn 'tɔ:kɪŋ] |
when speaking [wɛn 'spi:kɪŋ] |
While studying , I worked on a part time basic at Italian restaurant as waiter [waɪl 'stʌdɪɪŋ aɪ wə:kt ɔn ə pɑ:t taɪm 'beɪsɪk æt ɪ'tæljun 'rɛstərɑnt æz 'weɪtə(r)] |
during work time ['durɪŋ wə:k taɪm] |
while my guitar gently weeps [waɪl maɪ gɪ'tɑ:(r) 'ʤɛntlɪ wi:ps] |
.. during their quarrel ['durɪŋ ðɛə(r) 'kwɔ:l] |
during the meeting ['durɪŋ ðə 'mi:tɪŋ] |
during of holidays ['durɪŋ ɔv 'hɔlədeɪz] |
during recess ['durɪŋ recces] |
while [waɪl] |
during ['durɪŋ] |
while [waɪl] |
whilst [waɪlst] |
whilst [waɪlst] |
When playing football, you can not use your elbows [wɛn 'pleɪɪŋ 'futbɔ:l ju: kæn nɔt ju:s jɔ:(r) 'ɛlbəuz] |
during which ['durɪŋ wɪʧ] |
While/ When my son is riding his bike, I will tidy his room. He's still too young to do it on his own. [waɪl wɛn maɪ sʌn ɪz 'raɪdɪŋ hɪz baɪk aɪ wɪl 'taɪdɪ hɪz ru:m hi:z stɪl tu: jʌŋ tu du: ɪt ɔn hɪz əun] |
During an argument she threw his affair from ten years ago back in his face ['durɪŋ ən 'ɑ:gjumənt ʃi: θru: hɪz ə'fɛə(r) frɔm tɛn jɪrz ə'gəu bæk ɪn hɪz feɪs] |
During the phone consultations about technical details I was making some notes in my database ['durɪŋ ðə fəun kɑnsɪl'teɪʃənz ə'baut 'tɛknɪkl dɪ'teɪlz aɪ wɔz 'meɪkɪŋ sʌm nəuts ɪn maɪ 'deɪtəbeɪs] |
during the labour ['durɪŋ ðə 'leɪbaur] |