Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
editing [ɪ'dɪʃəŋ] |
education [ɛdju'keɪʃən] |
all-round [ɔ:l raund] |
further education ['fə:ðə(r) ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
educational aims | |
free education | |
Departament of Education | |
filed trip [faɪld trɪp] |
GSCE | |
CSE | |
BTEC | |
educational programme [ɛʤə'keɪʃənl 'prəugræm] |
start school [stɑ:t sku:l] |
continue education [kən'tɪnju: ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
to deserve good education | |
extrude [ɪk'stru:d] |
education possibilities | |
The educational system in the UK is different than | |
education [ɛdju'keɪʃən] |
telemedicine [tɛlɪ'mɛdɪsɪn] |
The educational system in the UK is different than | |
Norma and Daniel last saw each other in Edinburgh | |
Uncle Edward started collecting stamps a very long | |
Ministry of Education ['mɪnɪstrɪ ɔv ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
complete one's education | |
finish one's education | |
further education advice | |
statutory assessment | |
Qualifying course of education | |
to complete one's eductaion | |
to complete one's education [tu kəm'pli:t wʌnz ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
schooling | |
system of education | |
complete education | |
educational trip | |
better acces to educations | |
edit ['ɛdɪt] |
educational institutions [ɛʤə'keɪʃənl ɪnstɪ'tu:ʃənz] |
EU educational programme [EU ɛʤə'keɪʃənl 'prəugræm] |
special educational needs ['spɛʃl ɛʤə'keɪʃənl ni:dz] |
create equal educational opportunities [kri:'eɪt 'i:kwl ɛʤə'keɪʃənl ɑpər'tu:nɪtɪz] |
I'd like a single/ return ticket to Edinburgh please. [I'd laɪk ə 'sɪŋgl rɪ'tə:n 'tɪkɪt tu 'ɛdənbərə pli:z] |
What time is the next train to Edinburgh? [wɔt taɪm ɪz ðə nɛkst treɪn tu 'ɛdənbərə] |
Could you tell me the time of the next train to Edinburgh, please? [kud ju: tɛl mi: ðə taɪm ɔv ðə nɛkst treɪn tu 'ɛdənbərə pli:z] |
What time does the train to Edinburgh leave? [wɔt taɪm dʌz ðə treɪn tu 'ɛdənbərə li:v] |
Two return tickets to Edinburgh [tju: rɪ'tə:n 'tɪkəts tu 'ɛdənbərə] |
Why are they going to Edinburgh? [waɪ ɑ:(r) ðeɪ 'gəuɪŋ tu 'ɛdənbərə] |
tuition [tju'ɪʃən] |
basic education ['beɪsɪk ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
i would like a single ticket to Edinburgh please [aɪ wud laɪk ə 'sɪŋgl 'tɪkɪt tu 'ɛdənbərə pli:z] |
i would like a return ticket to Edinburgh please [aɪ wud laɪk ə rɪ'tə:n 'tɪkɪt tu 'ɛdənbərə pli:z] |
another edition [ə'nʌðə(r) ə'dɪʃən] |
educate ['ɛʤəkeɪt] |
education [ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
I know that the photographer is editing the pictures now. [aɪ nəu ðæt ðə fə'tɔgrəfə(r) ɪz 'ɛdətɪŋ ðə 'pɪkʧərz nau] |
have an educational value [hæv ən ɛʤə'keɪʃənl 'vælju:] |
education [ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
provide (free education) [prə'vaɪd fri: ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
attitude toward education ['ætətju:d tə'wɔ:d ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
to have gaps in one's education [tu hæv gæps ɪn one's ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
Edinburgh Castle ['ɛdənbərə 'kɑ:sl] |
works in education [wə:ks ɪn ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
the solution is better driver education [ðə sə'lu:ʃən ɪz 'bɛtə(r) 'draɪvə(r) ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
One reduced ticket to Edinburgh please [wʌn rɪ'du:st 'tɪkɪt tu 'ɛdənbərə pli:z] |
the article is about higher education in London [ðə 'ɑ:təkl ɪz ə'baut 'haɪə(r) ɛʤə'keɪʃən ɪn 'lʌndən] |
educational history [ɛʤə'keɪʃənl 'hɪstərɪ] |
preparatory school [prɪ'pærətərɪ sku:l] |
education model [ɛʤə'keɪʃən 'mɔdl] |
You are working... [ju: ɑ:(r) 'wə:kɪŋ] |
system is getting worse and worse ['sɪstəm ɪz 'gɛtɪŋ wə:s ænd wə:s] |
educationalist [educationalist] |
well-rounded [wɛl 'raundəd] |
work in education [wə:k ɪn ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
Everything started when king Edward died. ['ɛvrɪθɪŋ 'stɑ:təd wɛn kɪŋ 'ɛdwərd daɪd] |
I started my education at a local primary school [aɪ 'stɑ:təd maɪ ɛʤə'keɪʃən æt ə 'ləukl 'praɪmɛrɪ sku:l] |
Dear Mr and Mrs Edward [dɪə(r) 'mɪstə(r) ænd 'mɪsɪz 'ɛdwərd] |
Hello Mr Edwards! [hə'ləu 'mɪstə(r) 'ɛdwərdz] |
edam ['i:dəm] |
I'm trying to educate myself. [aɪm 'traɪɪŋ tu 'ɛʤəkeɪt maɪ'sɛlf] |
I'm working on educating myself. [aɪm 'wə:kɪŋ ɔn 'ɛʤəkeɪtɪŋ maɪ'sɛlf] |
four-year education [fɔ:(r) jɪə(r) ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
Every child is guaranteed education till thirteen ['ɛvrɪ ʧaɪld ɪz gɛrən'ti:d ɛʤə'keɪʃən tɪl θə:'ti:n] |
structure of British education ['strʌkʧə(r) ɔv 'brɪtɪʃ ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
limited edition ['lɪmətəd ə'dɪʃən] |
field trip [fi:ld trɪp] |
their education was totally neglected [ðɛə(r) ɛʤə'keɪʃən wɔz 'təutəlɪ nəg'lɛktəd] |
enormous educational possibilities [ɪ'nɔ:məs ɛʤə'keɪʃənl pɑsɪ'bɪlɪtɪz] |
I swear he enjoys Edward's discomfort over staying here [aɪ swɛə(r) hi: e'nʤɔɪz Edward’s dɪs'kʌmfət 'əuvə(r) 'steɪɪŋ hɪr] |
educational institutions use computers for various purposes [ɛʤə'keɪʃənl ɪnstɪ'tu:ʃənz ju:s kəm'pju:tərz fɔ:(r) 'vɛərɪəs 'pə:pɪsɪz] |
Children should be subjected to some form of safety education . ['ʧɪldrən ʃud bi: sɪ'bʤɛktɪd tu sʌm fɔ:m ɔv 'seɪftɪ ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
Parents are complaining of serious deficiencies in the education system. ['pɛərənts ɑ:(r) kəm'pleɪnɪŋ ɔv 'sɪərɪəs dɪ'fɪʃənsɪz ɪn ðə ɛʤə'keɪʃən 'sɪstəm] |
as for education [æz fɔ:(r) ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
education savings plan [ɛʤə'keɪʃən 'seɪvɪŋz plæn] |
graphic editing program ['græfɪk 'ɛdətɪŋ 'prəugræm] |
You have advantage of good education [ju: hæv əd'vɑ:ntɪʤ ɔv gud ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
accessibility of education [æksesɪ'bɪlɪtɪ ɔv ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
right to education [raɪt tu ɛʤə'keɪʃən] |
waterfront ['wɔ:tərfrnt] |
bring (someone) up | |
ignorance ['ɪgnərəns] |