Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
music ['mju:zɪk] |
musical ['mju:zɪkl] |
musician [mju:'zɪʃən] |
music band ['mju:zɪk bænd] |
music shop ['mju:zɪk ʃɔp] |
music for dancing | |
music lover | |
musical instrument ['mju:zɪkl 'ɪnstrumənt] |
music files | |
musical ['mju:zɪkl] |
music stand | |
musical ['mju:zɪkl] |
musical soiree | |
musiek | |
musical ['mju:zɪkl] |
music to my ears ['mju:zɪk tu maɪ ɪərz] |
music video | |
musiała | |
music industry ['mju:zɪk 'ɪndəstrɪ] |
musical box ['mju:zɪkl bɔks] |
music hall ['mju:zɪk hɔ:l] |
music ['mju:zɪk] |
musical instruments ['mju:zɪkl 'ɪnstrəmənts] |
music buff | |
musical influences | |
musican | |
music venue | |
music lesson ['mju:zɪk 'lɛsn] |
music to one's ears | |
musical score | |
music magazine ['mju:zɪk mægə'zi:n] |
music on the radio ['mju:zɪk ɔn ðə 'reɪdɪəu] |
music stand ['mju:zɪk stænd] |
musical ear ['mju:zɪkl ɪr] |
music programme ['mju:zɪk 'prəugræm] |
music / musician ['mju:zɪk mju:'zɪʃən] |
music ['mju:zɪk] |
musical ['mju:zɪkl] |
music genre ['mju:zɪk 'ʤenrə] |
Music is not stopped by any commercials. ['mju:zɪk ɪz nɔt stɔpt baɪ 'ɛnɪ kə'mə:ʃəlz] |
music chart ['mju:zɪk ʧɑ:t] |
musical cliches ['mju:zɪkl klɪ'ʃeɪz] |
musical performance ['mju:zɪkl pə'fɔ:məns] |
musical instrument ['mju:zɪkl 'ɪnstrumənt] |
music critic ['mju:zɪk 'krɪtɪk] |
music-streaming, streaming-audio ['mju:zɪk 'stri:mɪŋ 'stri:mɪŋ 'ɔdɪəu] |
music system ['mju:zɪk 'sɪstəm] |
music store ['mju:zɪk stɔ:(r)] |
music room ['mju:zɪk ru:m] |
musical genre ['mju:zɪkl 'ʤenrə] |
musical ['mju:zɪkl] |
musical ['mju:zɪkl] |
music fills the air ['mju:zɪk fɪlz ðə ɛə(r)] |
music fills the air ['mju:zɪk fɪlz ðə ɛə(r)] |
music award ['mju:zɪk ə'wɔ:d] |
music festival ['mju:zɪk 'fɛstəvəl] |
musings ['mju:zɪŋz] |
music executive ['mju:zɪk ɪg'zɛkjutɪv] |
music lover ['mju:zɪk 'lʌvə(r)] |
music school ['mju:zɪk sku:l] |
musical score ['mju:zɪkl skɔ:(r)] |
Music ['mju:zɪk] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
must had to had to [mʌst hæd tu hæd tu] |
to have to [tu hæv tu] |
have to [hæv tu:] |
you have to feed it [ju: hæv tu fi:d ɪt] |
you have to walk the dog [ju: hæv tu wɔ:k ðə dɔg] |
You need to [ju: ni:d tu] |
must be an impressive the city! | |
have to [hæv tu:] |
have to, must [hæv tu mʌst] |
must [mʌst] |
had to [hæd tu] |
I had to get used to eating pizza [aɪ hæd tu gɛt jju:zd tu 'i:tɪŋ 'pi:tsɪ] |
must be obtained | |
must had to - | |
You must be strict to the rules [ju: mʌst bi: strɪkt tu ðə ru:lz] |
has to be repaid | |
have to [hæv tu] |
musiek | |
to mean to do | |
must pay [mʌst peɪ] |
It must have been fun | |
You have to look forward [ju: hæv tu luk 'fɔ:wəd] |
We need to act quickly | |
You must act with caution | |
You must take responsibility for your actions | |
We have to go now. [wi: hæv tu gəu nau] |
You must be eighteen to buy cigarettes. | |
musical ['mju:zɪkl] |
you have to read more [ju: hæv tu rɛd mɔ:(r)] |
have to [hæv tu] |
gotta ['gɔtə] |
He must hurry [hi: mʌst 'hʌrɪ] |
you must check out before midday [ju: mʌst ʧɛk aut bɪ'fɔ:(r) 'mɪddeɪ] |
We had to clean our apartment | |
have to use [hæv tu ju:s] |
you have to go [ju: hæv tu gəu] |
we have to plan (the whole day/ holiday) very carefully | |
gotta be somebody ['gɔtə bi: 'sʌmbədɪ] |
we must act at once | |
They must have got stuck in traffic. [ðeɪ mʌst hæv gɔt stʌk ɪn 'træfɪk] |
I had to tern | |
must be able to ..... [mʌst bi: 'eɪbl tu] |
You must be crazy [ju: mʌst bi: 'kreɪzɪ] |
We have to make sacrifices and go without expensive things [wi: hæv tu meɪk 'sækrəfaɪsɪz ænd gəu wɪ'θaut ɪk'spɛnsɪv θɪŋz] |
You must have dialled the wrong number [ju: mʌst hæv dialled ðə rɔŋ 'nʌmbə(r)] |
I must have left my wallet in the car. | |
we must do [wi: mʌst du:] |
have to train much | |
You must pay duty on this. | |
You have to change at... | |
You need to be patient. [ju: ni:d tu bi: 'peɪʃnt] |
It had to be big for a big family. | |
It must be blunt | |
We have to take some steps. | |
must you quarrel with me? | |
have to share........... | |
We need to buy some plastic cutlery for the picnic [wi: ni:d tu baɪ sʌm 'plæstɪk 'kʌtlərɪ fɔ:(r) ðə 'pɪknɪk] |
you have to be confident | |
We need to hurry | |
You must come with us to the police station. | |
You must give your testimony. | |
We have to detain you until the case is clarified. | |
We have to write a report. | |
We had to wait. | |
We have to to call an ambulance! | |
must - had to [mʌst hæd tu] |
we must think about other people, too [wi: mʌst θɪŋk ə'baut 'ʌðə(r) 'pi:pl tu:] |
I had to change everything. [aɪ hæd tu ʧeɪnʤ 'ɛvrɪθɪŋ] |
We have to keep a receipt as proof of purchase [wi: hæv tu ki:p ə rɪ'si:t æz pru:f ɔv 'pə:ʧɪs] |
i had to unpack my bag [aɪ hæd tu ʌn'pæk maɪ bæg] |
I had to write a letter. [aɪ hæd tu raɪt ə 'lɛtə(r)] |
we would require goods by May 1 at the latest [wi: wud ri:k'waɪə(r) gudz baɪ meɪ 1 æt ðə 'leɪtɪst] |
be bound to happen [bi: baund tu 'hæpən] |
We had to check out by 10 in the morning [wi: hæd tu ʧɛk aut baɪ 10 ɪn ðə 'mɔ:nɪŋ] |
You have to check in long before the flight [ju: hæv tu ʧɛk ɪn lɔ:ŋ bɪ'fɔ:(r) ðə flaɪt] |
you'll have to hurry [you'll hæv tu 'hʌrɪ] |
she was left to her own devices [ʃi: wɔz lɛft tu hə:(r) əun dɪ'vaɪsɪz] |
You must admit he is a strange person [ju: mʌst əd'mɪt hi: ɪz ə streɪnʤ 'pə:sɪn] |
We need to find a method to test our theory [wi: ni:d tu faɪnd ə 'mɛθəd tu tɛst 'auə(r) 'θɪrɪ] |
must be passed as the argument [mʌst bi: pæst æz ðə 'ɑ:gjumənt] |
We must apologise about/for that [wi: mʌst apologise ə'baut fɔ:(r) ðæt] |
we'll have to make do [we'll hæv tu meɪk du:] |
We have to complain about the quality of... [wi: hæv tu kəm'pleɪn ə'baut ðə 'kwɔlɪtɪ ɔv] |
You must be really tired. [ju: mʌst bi: 'rɪlɪ 'taɪəd] |
we must preserve habitats [wi: mʌst prə'zə:v 'hæbətæts] |
We have to see [wi: hæv tu si:] |
you must stay on your guard [ju: mʌst steɪ ɔn jɔ:(r) gɑ:d] |
You need to have qualifications in... [ju: ni:d tu hæv kwɑləfə'keɪʃənz ɪn] |
You need to be good at... [ju: ni:d tu bi: gud æt] |
You need to be good with people. [ju: ni:d tu bi: gud wɪð 'pi:pl] |
you have to tell them [ju: hæv tu tɛl ðɛm] |
must had to had to [mʌst hæd tu hæd tu] |
we need to make [wi: ni:d tu meɪk] |
You must have called the wrong number. [ju: mʌst hæv kɔ:ld ðə rɔŋ 'nʌmbə(r)] |
You have to concentrate to understand. [ju: hæv tu 'kɔnsəntreɪt tu ʌndə'stænd] |
we have to discuss [wi: hæv tu dɪs'kʌs] |
We have to wait for him. [wi: hæv tu weɪt fɔ:(r) hɪm] |
You must remember what happened next [ju: mʌst rɪ'mɛmbə(r) wɔt 'hæpənd nɛkst] |
You must keep together. If you walk alone you can get lose [ju: mʌst ki:p tə'gɛðə(r) ɪf ju: wɔ:k ə'ləun ju: kæn gɛt lu:z] |
must be the key [mʌst bi: ðə ki:] |