Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"Jego" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]

"Jego" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
His wife hardly notices you.
[hɪz waɪf 'hɑ:dlɪ 'nəutɪsɪz ju:]
his trousers are blue
adress for him
his car needs repearing
his condition is deteriorating
His dog is devoted to him and follows him everywhere.
his daughter
[hɪz 'dɔ:tə(r)]
his son
[hɪz sʌn]
his first child
[hɪz fə:st ʧaɪld]
his grandfather
[hɪz 'grændfɑðə(r)]
His eyes were shut and his breath was slow
His clothes were old and torn
His letter arrived on February 7th.
His journey takes one and a half
His day startes at 6 o'clock
his dog
His parents worry about him.
His balls are green.
His Excellency
his back was bent with age
his aim is to prevent trouble
His mouth will be numb.
[hɪz mauθ wɪl bi: nʌm]
His mouth will be numb.
His face seemed vaguely familiar
[hɪz feɪs si:md 'veɪglɪ fə'mɪlɪə(r)]
His familiarity with the subject is quite impressive
[hɪz fəmɪ'ljɛrɪtɪ wɪð ðə səb'ʤɛkt ɪz kwaɪt ɪm'prɛsɪv]
His work is coming along fine
[hɪz wə:k ɪz 'kʌmɪŋ ə'lɔŋ faɪn]
His car is being stolen by the thief.
His parents let him jump on their bed.
His flight arrived two hours ago ,but his suitcases haven't arrived yet.
His parents are married, but he's still single.
His wife told a lie when she said she would wach tv with him and not work.
His parents are married , but he's still single.
his two sons
[hɪz tju: sʌnz]
His sense of humor is a real asset
[hɪz sɛns ɔv 'hju:mə(r) ɪz ə riəl 'æsɛt]
his walrus moustache hangs down below his chin
[hɪz 'wɔ:lrəs məs'tɑ:ʃ hæŋz daun bɪ'ləu hɪz ʧɪn]
his application was turned down
his first reaction to my project
[hɪz fə:st ri:'ækʃən tu maɪ 'prɔʤekt]
his children are being spoiled by their grandparents
His speech is nothing but shallowness.
his school
[hɪz sku:l]
his mother
[hɪz 'mʌðə(r)]
his friends
[hɪz frɛndz]
He isn't there
[hi: isn't ðɛə(r)]
his poems are perfectly subtle and meaningful
His wife works every day ; however ,she stayed at home today because she's sick.
[hɪz waɪf wə:ks 'ɛvrɪ deɪ hau'ɛvə(r) ʃi: steɪd æt həum tə'deɪ bɪ'kɔ:z ʃi:z sɪk]
Your hands are very dirty, however ,they'll be clean soon.
[jɔ:(r) hændz ɑ:(r) 'vɛrɪ 'də:tɪ hau'ɛvə(r) ðeɪl bi: kli:n su:n]
his only achievement
its nature is playful joy
its expressionis is active compassion
his car is waiting at the crossroad now
[hɪz kɑ:(r) ɪz 'weɪtɪŋ æt ðə 'krɔsrəud nau]
His sarcasm is just a sham
[hɪz 'sɑ:kæzəm ɪz ʤʌst ə ʃæm]
his face looks familiar to me
[hɪz feɪs luks fə'mɪlɪə(r) tu mi:]
his eyes were ablaze
[hɪz aɪz wə:(r) ə'bleɪz]
His parents were very rich
[hɪz 'pɛərənts wə:(r) 'vɛrɪ rɪʧ]
His presidential campaign turned out to be successful.
[hɪz prɛzə'dɛnʧəl kæm'peɪn tə:nd aut tu bi: sɪk'sɛsful]
His father died
[hɪz 'fɑ:ðə(r) daɪd]
His parents live in France
[hɪz 'pɛərənts lɪv ɪn fræns]
His little sister went mad
[hɪz 'lɪtl 'sɪstə(r) wɛnt mæd]
His leg is slightly injured
[hɪz lɛg ɪz 'slaɪtlɪ 'ɪnʤərd]
His sister is the youngest person in his family
[hɪz 'sɪstə(r) ɪz ðə 'jʌŋgɪst 'pə:sɪn ɪn hɪz 'fæməlɪ]
His overall score was quite high
[hɪz 'əuvərɔ:l skɔ:(r) wɔz kwaɪt haɪ]
His sudden appearance was very mysterious
[hɪz 'sʌdən ə'pɪərəns wɔz 'vɛrɪ mɪs'tɪərɪəs]
His remarks were aimed at Peter
[hɪz rɪ'mɑ:ks wə:(r) eɪmd æt 'pi:tə(r)]
His unexpected outburst of emotions surprised me
[hɪz nɪk'spɛktɪd 'autbəst ɔv ɪ'məuʃənz sə'praɪzd mi:]
His attitude is wrong and what's more, he seems to be a layman.
[hɪz 'ætətju:d ɪz rɔŋ ænd what's mɔ:(r) hi: si:mz tu bi: ə 'leɪmən]
His nephew is 18
[hɪz 'nɛfju: ɪz 18]
His mother cooks very well.
[hɪz 'mʌðə(r) kuks 'vɛrɪ wɛl]
One advantage/benefit is that
[wʌn əd'vɑ:ntɪʤ 'bɛnəfɪt ɪz ðæt]
The main disadvantage/drawback is that
[ðə meɪn dɪsɪd'væntɪʤ 'drɔ:bæk ɪz ðæt]
His arm must be operated on.
[hɪz ɑ:m mʌst bi: 'ɔpəreɪtəd ɔn]
His combat against terrorism was successful
[hɪz 'kɔmbæt ə'gɛnst 'tɛrərɪzəm wɔz sɪk'sɛsful]
His eyes twinkled with joy.
[hɪz aɪz twinkled wɪð ʤɔɪ]
His strange motions betrayed his nervousness
[hɪz streɪnʤ 'məuʃənz bɪ'treɪd hɪz 'nə:vɪsnəs]
His attitude towards me is a big obstacle
[hɪz 'ætətju:d tə'wɔ:dz mi: ɪz ə bɪg 'ɔbstəkl]
his name is piter
[hɪz neɪm ɪz piter]
His programme was not good enough.
[hɪz 'prəugræm wɔz nɔt gud ɪ'nʌf]
His handwriting is illegible.
[hɪz 'hændraɪtɪŋ ɪz ɪ'lɛʤəbl]
mind is racing
[maɪnd ɪz 'reɪsɪŋ]
his boat is being blow further offshore
[hɪz bəut ɪz 'bi:ɪŋ bləu 'fə:ðə(r) 'ɔ:fʃɔ:(r)]
his sanity
[hɪz 'sænɪtɪ]
his last chance of getting a job
[hɪz lɑ:st ʧɑ:ns ɔv 'gɛtɪŋ ə ʤɔb]
His prose is definitely better than his poetry
[hɪz prəuz ɪz 'dɛfɪnɪtlɪ 'bɛtə(r) ðæn hɪz 'pəuətrɪ]
His mother died when he was 11 years old
[hɪz 'mʌðə(r) daɪd wɛn hi: wɔz 11 jɪrz əuld]
his own property
[hɪz əun 'prɔpətɪ]
his insistence
[hɪz ɪn'sɪstəns]
His marriage was successful and it lasted for 10 years.
[hɪz 'mɛrɪʤ wɔz sɪk'sɛsful ænd ɪt 'læstəd fɔ:(r) 10 jɪrz]
His hair are dark.
[hɪz hɛə(r) ɑ:(r) dɑ:k]
His music still remains timeless.
[hɪz 'mju:zɪk stɪl rɪ'meɪnz 'taɪmləs]
His favourite possession is his new mountain bike.
[hɪz favourite pə'zɛʃən ɪz hɪz nju: 'mauntɪn baɪk]
his teacher
[hɪz 'ti:ʧə(r)]

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