Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"Twoim" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
Don't let any grass grow under your feet
I agree with you to a point
[aɪ ə'gri: wɪð ju: tu ə pɔɪnt]
Who is your favourite singer?
[hu: ɪz jɔ:(r) favourite 'sɪŋə(r)]
when I was your age
[wɛn aɪ wɔz jɔ:(r) eɪʤ]
at your age
[æt jɔ:(r) eɪʤ]
If I were you- I'd wait until tomorrow.
if i were you i would ask a doctor
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wud æsk ə 'dɔktə(r)]
if I were you
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju:]
if I were in your position
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ɪn jɔ:(r) pə'zɪʃən]
How do you thing we should deal with this?
What do you think is the best way forward?
do people in your country like animals?
l was very interested in your...(article)
do you know how many people live in your city/country?
not your type
[nɔt jɔ:(r) taɪp]
Then , I'll help you with your passport.
on your behalf
I'll meet you in front of your hotel.
it will in your size
it won't in your size
If I were you I would never buy this CD.
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wud 'nɛvə(r) baɪ ðɪs 'si:di:]
I owe you one
[aɪ əu ju: wʌn]
are hopes and dreams important in your life
[ɑ:(r) həups ænd dri:mz ɪm'pɔ:tnt ɪn jɔ:(r) laɪf]
What's the language in your country
Are restaurants cheap or expensive in your country?
Is there a carpet in your living room?
[ɪz ðɛə(r) ə 'kɑ:pɪt ɪn jɔ:(r) 'lɪvɪŋ ru:m]
They are lying on your bedside table
offended and hurt by your harsh words
[ə'fɛndəd ænd hə:t baɪ jɔ:(r) hɑ:ʃ wə:dz]
if I where in your (place,shoes,position), if I were you
Who's your favourite teacher?
meet all your deadline
[mi:t ɔ:l jɔ:(r) 'dɛdlaɪn]
What time is on your watch?
If i were you I would work harder
What's your country lacking in most?
[wɔts jɔ:(r) 'kʌntrɪ 'lækɪŋ ɪn məust]
in your size
[ɪn jɔ:(r) saɪz]
Surely that's why they are your friends.
['ʃurlɪ that's waɪ ðeɪ ɑ:(r) jɔ:(r) frɛndz]
together with your husband
[tə'gɛðə(r) wɪð jɔ:(r) 'hʌzbənd]
Do you know any customs that have been preserved in your country since ancient times
[du: ju: nəu 'ɛnɪ 'kʌstəmz ðæt hæv bɪ:n prə'zə:vd ɪn jɔ:(r) 'kʌntrɪ sɪns 'eɪnʧənt taɪmz]
Who's your internet service provider?
[Who's jɔ:(r) 'ɪntərnɛt 'sə:vəs prə'vaɪdə(r)]
What time is it on your watch?
[wɔt taɪm ɪz ɪt ɔn jɔ:(r) wɔʧ]
if I were you, I would
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wud]
If I were you, I would sell this house
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wud sɛl ðɪs haus]
i was a guest at your hotel for two week
[aɪ wɔz ə gɛst æt jɔ:(r) hə'tɛl fɔ:(r) tju: wi:k]
Who is your general practitioner?
[hu: ɪz jɔ:(r) 'ʤɛnərəl præk'tɪʃənə(r)]
I bought this watch in your shop on
[aɪ bɔt ðɪs wɔʧ ɪn jɔ:(r) ʃɔp ɔn]
I will put my fingers on your wrist
[aɪ wɪl put maɪ 'fɪŋgərz ɔn jɔ:(r) rɪst]
I will just clip this little meter to your finger
[aɪ wɪl ʤʌst klɪp ðɪs 'lɪtl 'mi:tə(r) tu jɔ:(r) 'fɪŋgə(r)]
l was very interested in your
[ɛl wɔz 'vɛrɪ 'ɪntrɪstəd ɪn jɔ:(r)]
who do you fancy this time
[hu: du: ju: 'fænsɪ ðɪs taɪm]
i spoke to your friend on the phone on monday and he put me for the interview
[aɪ spəuk tu jɔ:(r) frɛnd ɔn ðə fəun ɔn 'mʌndɪ ænd hi: put mi: fɔ:(r) ðə 'ɪntərvju:]
are they your size?
[ɑ:(r) ðeɪ jɔ:(r) saɪz]
What do you like best about your home?
[wɔt du: ju: laɪk bɛst ə'baut jɔ:(r) həum]
I bought a CD player last week in your shop in XXX street on 2 ND September.
[aɪ bɔt ə 'si:di: 'pleɪə(r) lɑ:st wi:k ɪn jɔ:(r) ʃɔp ɪn XXX stri:t ɔn 2 ND sep'tɛmbə(r)]
I stayed in your hotel from 2 ND to 16 ND July.
[aɪ steɪd ɪn jɔ:(r) hə'tɛl frɔm 2 ND tu 16 ND ʤu:'laɪ]
I totally/completely/strongly/absolutely agree with your argument
[aɪ 'təutəlɪ kəm'pli:tlɪ 'strɔ:ŋlɪ æbsə'lu:tlɪ ə'gri: wɪð jɔ:(r) 'ɑ:gjumənt]
together with your corporate documents
[tə'gɛðə(r) wɪð jɔ:(r) 'kɔ:pərɪt 'dɔkjumənts]
in your shoes
[ɪn jɔ:(r) ʃu:z]
What other places are in your town?
[wɔt 'ʌðə(r) 'pleɪsɪz ɑ:(r) ɪn jɔ:(r) taun]
Which of your colleagues was most welcoming on your first day at work
[wɪʧ ɔv jɔ:(r) 'kɔli:gz wɔz məust 'wɛlkəmɪŋ ɔn jɔ:(r) fə:st deɪ æt wə:k]
leave plenty of room between your car the one directly in front of you
[li:v 'plɛntɪ ɔv ru:m bɪt'wi:n jɔ:(r) kɑ:(r) ðə wʌn dər'ɛktlɪ ɪn frʌnt ɔv ju:]
If you have this fear your worst nightmare is probably being in the ocean
[ɪf ju: hæv ðɪs fɪə(r) jɔ:(r) wə:st 'naɪtmɛə(r) ɪz 'prɔbəblɪ 'bi:ɪŋ ɪn ðə 'əuʃən]
What time is it on your watch?
[wɔt taɪm ɪz ɪt ɔn jɔ:(r) wɔʧ]
What happened to your friends?
[wɔt 'hæpənd tu jɔ:(r) frɛndz]
It's an important decision in your life
[It's ən ɪm'pɔ:tnt dɪ'sɪʒən ɪn jɔ:(r) laɪf]
Let's meet before your flight
[Let's mi:t bɪ'fɔ:(r) jɔ:(r) flaɪt]
you look in your desk
[ju: luk ɪn jɔ:(r) dɛsk]
If I were you I wouldn't go to Sweden at this time of the year because of low temperatures.
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wouldn't gəu tu 'swi:dn æt ðɪs taɪm ɔv ðə jɪə(r) bɪ'kɔ:z ɔv ləu 'tɛmprəʧərz]
What's in your pencil case?
[What's ɪn jɔ:(r) 'pɛnsl keɪs]
What time is it on your watch
[wɔt taɪm ɪz ɪt ɔn jɔ:(r) wɔʧ]
I ordered from your store
[aɪ 'ɔ:dərd frɔm jɔ:(r) stɔ:(r)]
Can I sleep on your bed?
[kæn aɪ sli:p ɔn jɔ:(r) bɛd]
What happens when people break traffic rules your in your country?
[wɔt 'hæpənz wɛn 'pi:pl breɪk 'træfɪk ru:lz jɔ:(r) ɪn jɔ:(r) 'kʌntrɪ]
but never eaten in yours
[bʌt 'nɛvə(r) 'i:tn ɪn jurz]
I'm your uncle
[I'm jɔ:(r) 'ʌŋkl]
I'm your uncle.
[I'm jɔ:(r) 'ʌŋkl]
Which horse is your tip?
[wɪʧ hɔ:s ɪz jɔ:(r) tɪp]
What's under your coat?
[wɔts 'ʌndə(r) jɔ:(r) kəut]
What about your weak point?
[wɔt ə'baut jɔ:(r) wi:k pɔɪnt]
If I were you , I asked her out
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ æskt hə:(r) aut]
What's your favourite main course?
[wɔts jɔ:(r) favourite meɪn kɔ:s]
What do you favourite foods?
[wɔt du: ju: favourite fju:dz]
this scarf doesn't go on your coat
[ðɪs skɑ:f 'dʌzənt gəu ɔn jɔ:(r) kəut]
If I were you, I would...
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wud]
Who's your favourite actor?
[hu:z jɔ:(r) favourite 'æktə(r)]
Who's your favourite singer?
[hu:z jɔ:(r) favourite 'sɪŋə(r)]
If you will delete an email, it stays in your trash for 30 days.
[ɪf ju: wɪl dɪ'li:t ən ɪ'meɪl ɪt steɪz ɪn jɔ:(r) træʃ fɔ:(r) 30 deɪz]
Is there a park in your town?
[ɪz ðɛə(r) ə pɑ:k ɪn jɔ:(r) taun]
Who was your teacher?
[hu: wɔz jɔ:(r) 'ti:ʧə(r)]
What is the weather in your country like?
[wɔt ɪz ðə 'wɛðə(r) ɪn jɔ:(r) 'kʌntrɪ laɪk]
Who is your English teacher
[hu: ɪz jɔ:(r) 'ɪŋglɪʃ 'ti:ʧə(r)]
Do you have lunch with your workmates?
[du: ju: hæv lʌnʧ wɪð jɔ:(r) workmates]
Are these men your friends?
[ɑ:(r) ði:z mɛn jɔ:(r) frɛndz]
Who is your English teacher, John or Michael?
[hu: ɪz jɔ:(r) 'ɪŋglɪʃ 'ti:ʧə(r) ʤɔn ɔ:(r) 'maɪkl]
My desk is between the your bookcase and his desk.
[maɪ dɛsk ɪz bɪt'wi:n ðə jɔ:(r) 'bukkeɪs ænd hɪz dɛsk]
I'm here to work on your computer.
[aɪm hɪr tu wə:k ɔn jɔ:(r) kəm'pju:tə(r)]
It is hard for me to argue your point.
[ɪt ɪz hɑ:d fɔ:(r) mi: tu 'ɑ:gju: jɔ:(r) pɔɪnt]
We are your employees, but this doesn't mean that we must obey you unconditionally.
[wi: ɑ:(r) jɔ:(r) em'plɔɪɪz bʌt ðɪs doesn’t mi:n ðæt wi: mʌst ə'beɪ ju: ʌnkən'dɪʃənlɪ]
What about your holidays?
[wɔt ə'baut jɔ:(r) 'hɔlədeɪz]
In your shoes I'd pack it up and go hide somewhere
[ɪn jɔ:(r) ʃu:z I’d pæk ɪt ʌp ænd gəu haɪd 'sʌmwɛə(r)]
by the looks of you, I would choose...
[baɪ ðə luks ɔv ju: aɪ wud ʧu:z]

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