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"Twojej" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
that's very kind of you
[ðæts 'vɛrɪ kaɪnd ɔv ju:]
What was the weather like during your trip
[wɔt wɔz ðə 'wɛðə(r) laɪk 'durɪŋ jɔ:(r) trɪp]
If I were in your shoes
[ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ɪn jɔ:(r) ʃu:z]
How nice of you to write a letter
good of you
[gud ɔv ju:]
generous of you
polite of you
[pə'laɪt ɔv ju:]
stupid of you
['stu:pəd ɔv ju:]
silly of you
['sɪlɪ ɔv ju:]
How long does it take to get to your school?
Can you see these things in your classroom?
purpoise of your vist
you will find the bank on your left haltway down the street
It's very kind of you but I can do it myself
[ɪts 'vɛrɪ kaɪnd ɔv ju: bʌt aɪ kæn du: ɪt maɪ'sɛlf]
This is an x-ray of your bone.
Stitches will help your leg to heal.
['stɪʧɪz wɪl hɛlp jɔ:(r) lɛg tu hi:l]
How kind of you
[hau kaɪnd ɔv ju:]
that was very kind of you
[ðæt wɔz 'vɛrɪ kaɪnd ɔv ju:]
that is very kind of you
it was very kind of you
[ɪt wɔz 'vɛrɪ kaɪnd ɔv ju:]
What's your mother's first name?
When's your mother's birthday?
[wɛnz jɔ:(r) 'mʌðərz 'bə:θdeɪ]
it's on the your left
There are some flaws in your argument
[ðɛə(r) ɑ:(r) sʌm flɔ:z ɪn jɔ:(r) 'ɑ:gjumənt]
Are there any pictures in your dining room?
[ɑ:(r) ðɛə(r) 'ɛnɪ 'pɪkʧərz ɪn jɔ:(r) 'daɪnɪŋ ru:m]
What is there in your kitchen?
[wɔt ɪz ðɛə(r) ɪn jɔ:(r) 'kɪʧɪn]
What is there in your bedroom?
[wɔt ɪz ðɛə(r) ɪn jɔ:(r) 'bɛdrum]
how many children are there in your class??
What was the purpose of your visit
[wɔt wɔz ðə 'pə:pəs ɔv jɔ:(r) 'vɪzɪt]
on your left
[ɔn jɔ:(r) lɛft]
at your disposal
[æt jɔ:(r) dɪs'pəuzl]
it was considerate of you
it is kind of you
[ɪt ɪz kaɪnd ɔv ju:]
I'm not going to do your work for you
That's very rude of you.
in your presence
That's extremely kind of you
[That's ɪks'tri:mlɪ kaɪnd ɔv ju:]
That's really nice of you
[That's 'rɪlɪ naɪs ɔv ju:]
How good of you
[hau gud ɔv ju:]
What annoys you about your job
[wɔt ə'nɔɪz ju: ə'baut jɔ:(r) ʤɔb]
on your right
[ɔn jɔ:(r) raɪt]
keep to your delivery dates
[ki:p tu jɔ:(r) dɪ'lɪvərɪ deɪts]
keep your promises
[ki:p jɔ:(r) 'prɔmɪsɪz]
that's / that was very kind of you
[ðæts ðæt wɔz 'vɛrɪ kaɪnd ɔv ju:]
thank you that's very kind
[θæŋk ju: that's 'vɛrɪ kaɪnd]
all the best to you and your family
[ɔ:l ðə bɛst tu ju: ænd jɔ:(r) 'fæməlɪ]
Will you have to wear a uniform in your new job?
[wɪl ju: hæv tu wɛə(r) ə 'ju:nɪfɔ:m ɪn jɔ:(r) nju: ʤɔb]
Thank you! It's very nice of you to ask me!
[θæŋk ju: It's 'vɛrɪ naɪs ɔv ju: tu æsk mi:]
Do you take after your mother or father?
[du: ju: teɪk 'ɑ:ftə(r) jɔ:(r) 'mʌðə(r) ɔ:(r) 'fɑ:ðə(r)]
this is very kind of you
[ðɪs ɪz 'vɛrɪ kaɪnd ɔv ju:]
that would be nice of you
[ðæt wud bi: naɪs ɔv ju:]
You should introduce a few jokes in your speech
[ju: ʃud ɪntrə'du:s ə fju: ʤəuks ɪn jɔ:(r) spi:ʧ]
Do you have an idea what to buy for your girlfriend?
[du: ju: hæv ən aɪ'dɪə wɔt tu baɪ fɔ:(r) jɔ:(r) 'gə:lfrɛnd]
I was once in your shoes
[aɪ wɔz wʌns ɪn jɔ:(r) ʃu:z]
You've got to tackle him on the conditions of your work.
[You've gɔt tu 'tækl hɪm ɔn ðə kən'dɪʃənz ɔv jɔ:(r) wə:k]
it is all in your mind
[ɪt ɪz ɔ:l ɪn jɔ:(r) maɪnd]
With reference to your advertisement in ...
[wɪð 'rɛfərəns tu jɔ:(r) əd'və:tɪzmənt ɪn]
mean of you
[mi:n ɔv ju:]
nice of
[naɪs ɔv]
Thanks to your stupidity
[θæŋks tu jɔ:(r) stju'pɪdɪtɪ]
It was inconsiderate of you ...
[ɪt wɔz inconsiderate ɔv ju:]
what is the weather situation in your position
[wɔt ɪz ðə 'wɛðə(r) sɪtju'eɪʃən ɪn jɔ:(r) pə'zɪʃən]
since your last visit a church has been built here
[sɪns jɔ:(r) lɑ:st 'vɪzɪt ə ʧə:ʧ hæz bɪ:n bɪlt hɪr]
be that as it may
[bi: ðæt æz ɪt meɪ]
Besides you, does anyone in your family spend much time travelling
[bɪ'saɪdz ju: dʌz 'ɛnɪwʌn ɪn jɔ:(r) 'fæməlɪ spɛnd mʌʧ taɪm 'trævəlɪŋ]
It is a big change for you and your wife
[ɪt ɪz ə bɪg ʧeɪnʤ fɔ:(r) ju: ænd jɔ:(r) waɪf]
We can offer a full support of your mission
[wi: kæn 'ɔfə(r) ə ful sə'pɔ:t ɔv jɔ:(r) 'mɪʃən]
it matches your personality
[ɪt 'mæʧəz jɔ:(r) pəsɪ'nælɪtɪ]
helps your keep skin
[hɛlps jɔ:(r) ki:p skɪn]
it's very king of you
[it's 'vɛrɪ kɪŋ ɔv ju:]
what's your locker number
[what's jɔ:(r) 'lɔkə(r) 'nʌmbə(r)]
Is she your mother's sister?
[ɪz ʃi: jɔ:(r) mother's 'sɪstə(r)]
the service I have received from your company
[ðə 'sə:vəs aɪ hæv rɪ'si:vd frɔm jɔ:(r) 'kʌmpənɪ]
That's very rude of you
[That's 'vɛrɪ ru:d ɔv ju:]
have i missed your reply to
[hæv aɪ mɪst jɔ:(r) rɪp'laɪ tu]
the ball is in your corner now
[ðə bɔ:l ɪz ɪn jɔ:(r) 'kɔ:nə(r) nau]
How nice of you
[hau naɪs ɔv ju:]
If you were my wife I would put poison in your tea
[ɪf ju: wə:(r) maɪ waɪf aɪ wud put 'pɔɪzn ɪn jɔ:(r) ti:]
Who's in your family?
[Who's ɪn jɔ:(r) 'fæməlɪ]
What's your locker number?
[wɔts jɔ:(r) 'lɔkə(r) 'nʌmbə(r)]
what is your locker number
[wɔt ɪz jɔ:(r) 'lɔkə(r) 'nʌmbə(r)]
on your right
[ɔn jɔ:(r) raɪt]
I'll not accept your denial
[I'll nɔt æk'sɛpt jɔ:(r) dɪ'naɪəl]
I hope that she will find job in your company
[aɪ həup ðæt ʃi: wɪl faɪnd ʤɔb ɪn jɔ:(r) 'kʌmpənɪ]
Thanks, that's very good of you.
[θæŋks ðæts 'vɛrɪ gud fɔ:(r) ju:]
that's very kind of you
[ðæts 'vɛrɪ kaɪnd ɔv ju:]
It is all thanks to your
[ɪt ɪz ɔ:l θæŋks tu jɔ:(r)]
you're struggling to come up with in your mind
[jur 'strʌgəlɪŋ tu kʌm ʌp wɪð ɪn jɔ:(r) maɪnd]
kind of you
[kaɪnd ɔv ju:]
I remain at your complete disposal
[aɪ rɪ'meɪn æt jɔ:(r) kəm'pli:t dɪs'pəuzl]
how does sound from your side?
[hau dʌz saund frɔm jɔ:(r) saɪd]
Limit the amount of clutter and noise in your bedroom.
['lɪmɪt ðə ə'maunt ɔv 'klʌtə(r) ænd nɔɪz ɪn jɔ:(r) 'bɛdrum]
what`s your locker number
[wɔts jɔ:(r) 'lɔkə(r) 'nʌmbə(r)]
How big part of your working do you spend on business travels?
[hau bɪg pɑ:t ɔv jɔ:(r) 'wə:kɪŋ du: ju: spɛnd ɔn 'bɪznəs 'trævəlz]
I'm sorry to hear about your sick mother.
[aɪm 'sɔrɪ tu hɪə(r) ə'baut jɔ:(r) sɪk 'mʌðə(r)]
I should have listened to your advice.
[aɪ ʃud hæv 'lɪsɪnd tu jɔ:(r) əd'vaɪs]
It's very kind of you to...
[ɪts 'vɛrɪ kaɪnd ɔv ju: tu]
I don't want your help, I have to do this on my own
[aɪ dəunt wɔnt jɔ:(r) hɛlp aɪ hæv tu du: ðɪs ɔn maɪ əun]

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