Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
touch down [tʌʧ daun] |
to scare the life out of somebody [tu skɛə(r) ðə laɪf aut ɔv 'sʌmbədɪ] |
stow away | |
slog away [slɔg ə'weɪ] |
dawdle ['dɔ:dl] |
zip along | |
gradable [gradable] |
scream blue murder | |
freeway ['fri:weɪ] |
self-aware [sɛlf ə'wɛə(r)] |
He never speeds he is a very careful driver. | |
She never speeds she is a very cautious driver | |
The boss was absent so we had very long lunch brea | |
something makes your day | |
virus ['vaɪərəs] |
puree [pju'reɪ] |
zucchini [zu'ki:nɪ] |
goulash ['gu:læʃ] |
at close quarters [æt kləus 'kwɔ:tərz] |
let off | |
be on the brink of [bi: ɔn ðə brɪŋk ɔv] |
hard [hɑ:d] |
sprint [sprɪnt] |
beat the daylights out of [bi:t ðə 'deɪlaɪts aut ɔv] |
glued to the spot | |
I' be glad to. | |
aerospace ['ɛrəspeɪs] |
atlas ['ætləs] |
axis ['æksɪs] |
the amount of air inheld/exhaled in one minute [ðə ə'maunt ɔv ɛə(r) inheld ek'sheɪld ɪn wʌn 'mɪnɪt] |
dim [dɪm] |
basis ['beɪsɪs] |
failed to take off [feɪld tu teɪk ɔf] |
be about to on the verge of [bi: ə'baut tu ɔn ðə və:ʤ ɔv] |
Las Vegas is a capital of world gambling [lɔs 'veɪgəs ɪz ə 'kæpətl ɔv wə:ld 'gæmbəlɪŋ] |
account for sth [ə'kaunt fɔ:(r) 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
a mountain to climb [ə 'mauntɪn tu klaɪm] |
shred [ʃrɛd] |
Hazard warning lights may be used ['hæzəd 'wɔ:nɪŋ laɪts meɪ bi: jju:zd] |
Your lorry is stuck in snow [jɔ:(r) 'lɔrɪ ɪz stʌk ɪn snəu] |
Drivers can be fined for bringing ['draɪvərz kæn bi: faɪnd fɔ:(r) 'brɪŋɪŋ] |
You are waiting on a T-junction [ju: ɑ:(r) 'weɪtɪŋ ɔn ə ti: 'ʤʌŋkʃən] |
When driving a lader [wɛn 'draɪvɪŋ ə 'leɪdə(r)] |
What is a 'buffer' lane [wɔt ɪz ə 'buffer' leɪn] |
What causes extra danger [wɔt 'kɔzəz 'ɛkstrə 'deɪnʤə(r)] |
You should... because [ju: ʃud bɪ'kɔ:z] |
You are driving... you [ju: ɑ:(r) 'draɪvɪŋ ju:] |
Before braking in wet [bɪ'fɔ:(r) 'breɪkɪŋ ɪn wɛt] |
Youuu.. [Youuu] |
A tachograph will record [ə tachograph wɪl rɪ'kɔ:d] |
When leaving... [wɛn 'li:vɪŋ] |
Which of [wɪʧ ɔv] |
Which TREE [wɪʧ tri:] |
You should never [ju: ʃud 'nɛvə(r)] |
You are driving at... [ju: ɑ:(r) 'draɪvɪŋ æt] |
You are approaching.... [ju: ɑ:(r) əp'rəuʧɪŋ] |
What.................. [wɔt] |
What does ,.,.,.,................ [wɔt dʌz] |
What does........... [wɔt dʌz] |
You are...;.;.;.; [ju: ɑ:(r)] |
At an accident .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. [æt ən 'æksɪdənt] |
You are driving,.,.,,.,.,. [ju: ɑ:(r) 'draɪvɪŋ] |
What will be.... [wɔt wɪl bi:] |
Vehicle,,,,,,,...... ['vi:hɪkl] |
You are driving,,,,,,,,. [ju: ɑ:(r) 'draɪvɪŋ] |
Which of the [wɪʧ ɔv ðə] |
You are driving,,..,,..,,.......... [ju: ɑ:(r) 'draɪvɪŋ] |
You are unloaded [ju: ɑ:(r) ən'ləudəd] |
incredible [ɪn'krɛdɪbl] |
demand [dɪ'mɑ:nd] |
digital ['dɪʤətl] |
virtually ['və:ʧuəlɪ] |
keeps himself to himself [ki:ps hɪm'sɛlf tu hɪm'sɛlf] |
Do you want me to... [du: ju: wɔnt mi: tu] |
What do you think about... [wɔt du: ju: θɪŋk ə'baut] |
Why don't we [waɪ dəunt wi:] |
You could have... [ju: kud hæv] |
If I were you, I would... [ɪf aɪ wə:(r) ju: aɪ wud] |
it's time to... [ɪts taɪm tu] |
How about...? [hau ə'baut] |
How much does it cost to... [hau mʌʧ dʌz ɪt kɔst tu] |
What are the chances of... [wɔt ɑ:(r) ðə 'ʧænsɪz ɔv] |
Let's not... [lɛts nɔt] |
Let's say that... [lɛts seɪ ðæt] |
There's no need to... [ðɛrz nəu ni:d tu] |
Please make sure that... [pli:z meɪk ʃuə(r) ðæt] |
It's no use... [ɪts nəu ju:s] |
there's no way... [ðɛrz nəu weɪ] |
It's very kind of you to... [ɪts 'vɛrɪ kaɪnd ɔv ju: tu] |
Rumour has it that... ['ru:mə(r) hæz ɪt ðæt] |
I'm having hard time [aɪm 'hævɪŋ hɑ:d taɪm] |
Thank you for [θæŋk ju: fɔ:(r)] |
You'd better / You had better [jju:d 'bɛtə(r) ju: hæd 'bɛtə(r)] |
It was very sunny, as usual. [ɪt wɔz 'vɛrɪ 'sʌnɪ æz 'jju:ʒəwəl] |
I used to.. [aɪ jju:zd tu] |
brief [bri:f] |
it's a steal [ɪts ə sti:l] |
What .....................? There's dirt all over your clothes. [wɔt ðɛrz də:t ɔ:l 'əuvə(r) jɔ:(r) kləuðz] |
enormous [ɪ'nɔ:məs] |
astounding [ə'staundɪŋ] |